In designing this book, the author was guided by the following
considerations. If you want to learn this or that opening, you can choose from
dozens or even hundreds of textbooks. But what if you want to get familiar with
the middlegame strategy used in positions that have emerged from exactly this or
that opening? Or to put it another way: in positions that are typical for this
or that opening.
Of course, in every middlegame textbook there's one or the other position
that clearly comes from this or that opening. However, their number is
negligible in the context of example positions from all the other openings whose
middlegame treatment the reader doesn't want to learn at all.
For example, aren't the issues of hanging pawns and minority attack – the
author asks with good reason – just as dispensable for an e4 player as they are
essential for a d4 player? – Why should a die-hard enthusiast of Indian openings
care about the strategic intricacies of positions resulting from all those
complicated Queen's Gambit systems? And of course vice versa: what use are all
these subtleties of Indian positions to a player who 'by nature' avoids
fianchetto openings?
And it's precisely this conspicuous and astounding vacuum in the area of
middlegame literature that inspired the author to make an appropriate attempt at
improvement: If you want to learn French middlegame strategy, you will get a
textbook and exercise book in which only French middlegames are treated.
However, this book only deals with positions in which the white pawns on d4 and
e5 are opposed by black pawns on d5 and e6 – or those positions that can arise
from this basic structure, as shown in detail in the overview following the
It deserves special mention that the 110 exercises have been assigned to
specific topics for the benefit of entertaining diversity – for example 'the top
candidate', 'the relegation candidate', 'the only move', 'violence or pressure
increase' but also 'joke articles' and the like.
184 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
In designing this book, the author was guided by the following
considerations. If you want to learn this or that opening, you can choose from
dozens or even hundreds of textbooks. But what if you want to get familiar with
the middlegame strategy used in positions that have emerged from exactly this or
that opening? Or to put it another way: in positions that are typical for this
or that opening.
Of course, in every middlegame textbook there's one or the other position
that clearly comes from this or that opening. However, their number is
negligible in the context of example positions from all the other openings whose
middlegame treatment the reader doesn't want to learn at all.
For example, aren't the issues of hanging pawns and minority attack – the
author asks with good reason – just as dispensable for an e4 player as they are
essential for a d4 player? – Why should a die-hard enthusiast of Indian openings
care about the strategic intricacies of positions resulting from all those
complicated Queen's Gambit systems? And of course vice versa: what use are all
these subtleties of Indian positions to a player who by nature avoids fianchetto
And it's precisely this conspicuous and astounding vacuum in the area of
middlegame literature that inspired the author to make an appropriate attempt at
improvement: If you want to learn typical King's Indian middle game strategy,
you will get a textbook and exercise book in which only King's Indian is
However, this volume only deals with positions in which Black attacks the
white pawns on c4, d4 and e4 with the central push e7-e5 (and not c7-c5) – or
those positions that can arise from this basic structure, as shown in detail in
the overview following the preface.
It deserves special mention that the 100 exercises have been assigned to
specific topics for the benefit of entertaining diversity – for example the
relegation candidate, the only move, violence or pressure increase and the
166 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
In designing this book, the author was guided by the following
considerations. If you want to learn this or that opening, you can choose from
dozens or even hundreds of textbooks. But what if you want to get familiar with
the middlegame strategy used in positions that have emerged from exactly this or
that opening? Or to put it another way: in positions that are typical for this
or that opening.
Of course, in every middlegame textbook there's one or the other position
that clearly comes from this or that opening. However, their number is
negligible in the context of example positions from all the other openings whose
middlegame treatment the reader doesn't want to learn at all.
For example, aren't the issues of hanging pawns and minority attack – the
author asks with good reason – just as dispensable for an e4 player as they are
essential for a d4 player? – Why should a die-hard enthusiast of Indian openings
care about the strategic intricacies of positions resulting from all those
complicated Queen's Gambit systems? And of course vice versa: what use are all
these subtleties of Indian positions to a player who 'by nature' avoids
fianchetto openings?
And it's precisely this conspicuous and astounding vacuum in the area of
middlegame literature that inspired the author to make an appropriate attempt at
improvement: If you want to learn Sicilian middlegame strategy, you will get a
textbook and exercise book in which only Sicilians are
However, this book only deals with the Queen's Gambit – more precisely: the
Exchange Variation with white pawns on e3 and d4 against black pawns on c6 and
d5 – the so-called 'Carlsbad structure'.
It deserves special mention that the 120 exercises have been assigned to
specific topics for the benefit of entertaining diversity – for example 'the
relegation candidate', 'the only move', 'violence or pressure increase' and the
178 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
In designing this book, the author was guided by the following
considerations. If you want to learn this or that opening, you can choose from
dozens or even hundreds of textbooks. But what if you want to get familiar with
the middlegame strategy used in positions that have emerged from exactly this or
that opening? Or to put it another way: in positions that are typical for this
or that opening.
Of course, in every middlegame textbook there's one or the other position
that clearly comes from this or that opening. However, their number is
negligible in the context of example positions from all the other openings whose
middlegame treatment the reader doesn't want to learn at all.
For example, aren't the issues of hanging pawns and minority attack – the
author asks with good reason – just as dispensable for an e4 player as they are
essential for a d4 player? – Why should a die-hard enthusiast of Indian openings
care about the strategic intricacies of positions resulting from all those
complicated Queen's Gambit systems? And of course vice versa: what use are all
these subtleties of Indian positions to a player who 'by nature' avoids
fianchetto openings?
And it's precisely this conspicuous and astounding vacuum in the area of
middlegame literature that inspired the author to make a appropriate attempt at
improvement: If you want to learn Sicilian middlegame strategy, you will get a
textbook and exercise book in which only Sicilians are treated.
However, this current book only deals with the type 'Open Sicilian'. More
precisely: with positions characterized by the 'small center' consisting of the
pawns on d6 and e6, which is typical for the vast majority of Sicilian
It deserves special mention that the more than 150 exercises have been
assigned to specific topics for the benefit of entertaining diversity - for
example 'the relegation candidate', 'the only move', 'violence or pressure
increase' and the like.
160 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
Each section of a chess game – opening, middlegame and endgame – has a special significance. In the case of a material or positional disadvantage at the beginning of the fight, it's not easy to master the middlegame, and mostly there will be no endgame at all. This means that without convincing play in the opening you will not be successful in chess.
For this reason, opening books enjoy great popularity. However, since building an individual opening repertoire requires reviewing a lot of material, it makes sense to look for a time-saving approach like the one offered by this quick course.
The author has tried to present all the important openings objectively and without paying particular attention to fashion trends. His work is based on the evaluation of a lot of games from tournament practice, supplemented by many of his own analyzes and those of well-known theorists. It can therefore be assumed that, after studying this book, readers will treat their preferred openings with greater understanding and will be rewarded with corresponding successes.
The author, FIDE Master Jerzy Konikowski, is a recognized trainer and chess theorist. His numerous books and articles have been translated into several languages and published in many countries.
332 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
The Italian Opening is one of the oldest in chess history,
mentioned as early as the 15th century, but is still a frequent guest
today, even at the highest level, most recently in the 2021 world
championship match between Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepomniachtchi.
Although the challenger lost this game, the use of the Italian Opening
alone shows that it's a serious weapon even among top grandmasters.
Many white players choose it because they want to obtain a sub-
stantial game. The positions are often less concrete and tactical than
in other openings, and because they are also less analyzed, the modern
Italian offers a good mix of uncharted territory and positional
With this work, the author aims to illustrate the modern ideas of
the Italian Opening to players at a medium level. It deals with
positions based on White's 'slow' plan, i.e. if he chooses a calm
approach characterized by positional ideas. The author does not attempt
to offer the reader a complete repertoire, but rather to explain the
ideas of the emerging middlegame positions.
The material primarily includes the systems 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4
Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.c3 h6 6.0–0 d6 7.Re1 a6 8.a4 Ba7 9.Nbd2 0–0 10.h3 and
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.c3 d6 6.0–0 0–0 7.h3 h6 8.Re1 a5,
where especially the latter has gained enormous popularity in current
practice. 122 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often
gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting
point for the authors before they began to compile the material for a book about
the English Opening.
As their work progressed, they realized that there was too much material to
be accommodated in a single work. That's why they decided to divide it into two
volumes. Volume 1 deals with the Symmetrical Variation, which is characterized
by the moves c2-c4 and c7-c5. It is presented in an introduction and 6 following
chapters, which are designed according to the guidelines of the series 'read –
understand – play'.
The opening lines are explained in detail, with the authors paying special
attention to the presentation of the inherent ideas and plans to ensure that the
reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves learned by heart.
Even the meaning and purpose of a single move may be explained, insofar as it is
important for understanding.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this
book, he will be able to use the discussed Symmetrical Variation with the white
and the black pieces in an appropriate way. At the same time, the work offers
one or the other new idea that can surprise even an experienced opponent and
promises interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess
The correctness of the treated lines was checked with the help of leading
FM Jerzy Konikowski has published a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a national master in correspondence chess. He is the author of books on gambits and the co-author of many others.
180 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the 'Queen's Gambit' – and instructions to show him how to use it.
And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are ex- plained, if they are not quite obvious.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.
FM Jerzy Konikowski has published a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a national master in correspondence chess. He is the author of books on gambits and the co-author of many others.
260 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often
gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting
point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is
a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the Queen's Pawn
Openings and instructions to show him how to use them.
With this work, the reader gains access to systems that are very popular
today, such as the Trompowsky Attack and the London System, or surprise weapons
such as the Richter-Veresov Attack or the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, of which the
latter has enjoyed a loyal following of fans for many decades and is therefore
surrounded by a very special aura.
The main systems are presented in 11 chapters, which are de- signed
according to the guidelines of the series 'read – understand – play'. The
openings are explained in detail, with the authors paying special attention to
the presentation of the inherent ideas and plans to ensure that the reader
understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by
heart. Even the meaning and purpose of a single move may be explained, insofar
as it is important for understanding.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this
book, he will be able to use the discussed Queen's Pawn Openings with the white
and the black pieces in an appropriate way. At the same time, the work offers
one or the other new idea that can surprise even an experienced opponent and
promises interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess
FM Jerzy Konikowski has published a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a national master in correspondence chess. He is the author of books on gambits and the co-author of many others.
300 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the Sicilian Defense – and instructions to show him how to use it.
And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are explained, if they are not quite obvious.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play
interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.
170 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the King's Indian Defense – and instructions to show him how to use it.
And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are ex- plained, if they are not quite obvious.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.2
228 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the 'Semi-Open Games' – such as the French Defense and the Caro-Kann Defense (note that the 'Sicilian Defense' was discussed in a separate volume) – and instructions to show him how to use them.
And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are ex-
plained, if they are not quite obvious.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.
240 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book (the first of a small series) that gives explanations to help the reader understand the openings that arise after the initial moves 1.e4 e5 (e.g. such renowned and important openings as the 'Ruy Lopez', the 'Four Knights Game' or the 'King's Gambit') – and instructions to show him how to use them.
And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each opening are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are explained, if they are not quite obvious.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.
160 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
The Sicilian Defense, which is suitable for players of all levels, has long been the most played opening against 1.e2-e4 and its popularity continues to grow. The reason is that sharp and complicated positions arise, which offer black excellent dynamic counter play.
In the first part, the author treats all possible deviations before reaching the basic position with 1.e5 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 etc. – such as the Closed Sicilian, the Morra Gambit, the Alapin Variation, the Grand-Prix Attack, the continuation 3.¥b5+ etc.
Since it is impossible to accommodate all systems with their extensive and widely ramified lines in a single book, it is limited to one of the most popular systems – the Najdorf Variation, which leads to an uncompromising fight with good black counter chances.
The renowned chess author Jerzy Konikowski, a FIDE master and a seasoned player, sheds light on the secrets of the Sicilian Defense. In 18 theoretical chapters and a practical section with 74 fully commented games, he explains the strategic principles and tactical subtlelties. Based on the material offered, the reader can compile a complete personal repertoire against 1.e2-e4.
328 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
Any player who prefers to rely on main lines will be well acquainted with the problem of the sheer masses of opening theory. And as they do not stop growing, there's always the risk that sooner or later they will grow over one's head.
Therefore, the wish for a simpler approach is understandable. The wish for an opening that does not necessarily aim for the earliest possible advantage. The wish for general conditions which ensure that the beginning of the game can be carried out without great risks and that the actual combat action begins in the middle game.
And, indeed, such an opening does exist - the so-called 'King's Indian Attack'. It offers a strategically interesting approach to the treatment of the opening which allows one to avoid all elaborate lines. In a simplified way one might call it: a lid that fits every pot. White initially only puts the king's pawn in the center. Then he turns it into a very solid central bridgehead and develops his forces in the spirit of the 'King's Indian Defence'. And what happens next depends on the defence that Black is going to choose.
And far from being 'second-rate stuff', this opening must be taken very seriously. This becomes clear after a look at which top players have or had it in their repertoire. We only want to mention (representative of many others) the reigning World Champion Magnus Carlsen and the former World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik right now. Hear about others in the book.304 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
The French Defense (1.e4 e6) caught the attention of the chess world in the first half of the 19th century, and has developed to be one of the most important and popular openings. The author of this book, the German Grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlmann, is a world-renowned expert who has tested this opening and enriched its theory over his entire career. 76 selected games (mostly his own) document the considerable success he has achieved with his favorite opening, often against the strongest opponents. The theoretical remarks integrated into the annotations provide the reader with well founded instructions for the treatment of this opening.
It was not the author's goal to present a complete survey of all the systems and lines that build the French Defense but instead to put the positional evaluation and the creation of a plan in the foreground. At the same time this compilation traces the career path that the author has taken with his favorite French lines. Uhlmann's work is now available in the 4th updated and amended edition. In particular, the author has added five more recent games by other French specialists to the collection.
Grandmaster Wolfgang Uhlmann (born in Dresden in 1935) was the strongest player of the GDR from 1958 to 1989 and participated in 11 chess Olympiads (10 times at the top board). At his peak, he belonged to the world's top players and celebrated outstanding successes in many national and international tournaments. And last but not least, he was active for many years in the German top league (Bundesliga) and has made a name as the author of numerous publications.
185 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
When the author’s first book about the London System was published a decade ago, this opening was almost exclusively played among amateurs. However, within the last years many things have happened, even including some sort of breakthrough on the highest level! And so none other than world champion Magnus Carlsen has developed such a liking for the London System, that he has used it even in important games and has achieved a number of nice victories.
And he is by no means the only top player, as Kramnik, Grischuk and others have added it to their repertoire, too. The absolute guru of the London System, however, is and remains GM Gata Kamsky. He trusts it and applies it since his childhood, so to speak, and he sees no reason to change his mind.
Meanwhile the London System has stepped out of the shadows, and so its surprise factor has lost some significance. However, this increase in publicity has no impact on its overall reliability because, on the other hand, its advantages have remained.
– It's easy to learn.
– It's extremely solid.
– It's often underestimated.
– It leads to interesting positions.
– It leaves space for own ideas.
Mostly due to the quality of computer analysis, the opening theory of the London System has evolved tremendously. And so in almost every chapter improvements are to be found, just waiting for a chance to be tried out in practice!
183 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
The 'Réti Opening' 1.¤g1-f3 d7-d5 2.c2-c4 is quiet and solid and usually leads to the middle game without greater tactical complications. Therefore, the arising positions require more positional understanding than tactical skills.
The book is primarily intended for amateurs looking for an opening with the following advantages.
1. Easy to learn because the readers can orient themselves on key ideas and general set-up plans – i.e. without the need to memorize vast amounts of 'theory'.
2. However, they can still focus on certain continuations and increase their specific knowledge.
3. The opening should enable them to master the passage from the opening to the middle game with mainly solid positional play – i.e. without the risk of running into sharp tactical surprises.
4. It should offer much room for research and experimentation.
In addition to the theoretical explanations, the readers find many games from tournament practice to show the 'Réti Opening' in action. By studying these games, they can not only enrich their knowledge with many typical and subtle motifs and ideas – but also become familiar with what one might call the 'natural development' in the different lines and set-ups.
However, the authors have made sure that the selected games, apart from the required work, are also enjoyable and entertaining.
292 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
In his book about the Sicilian Wing Gambit (1.e4 c5 2.b4 cxb4 3.a3) Marcus Schmücker takes a closer look at a very interesting opening, which for a long time has been regarded as a daredevil's approach or, at best, as an exotic option to avoid the enormous theoretical material of the Sicilian Defence. As a matter of fact, the idea of this gambit is quite serious. By eliminating Black's c-pawn and ensuring a swift development of his queen side, White wants to obtain positional compensation for the sacrificed pawn.The author concentrates on the best answer 3…d5, which enables Black to prevent his opponent from building a strong center with pawns on e4 and d4. The often ensuing sharp tactical skirmishes in most cases fill white spots on the theoretical maps. White has good chances to obtain advantage early on, which can even lead to a quick win if the opponent is completely unprepared.Of course, it's not to be expected that the Sicilian Wing Gambit will be used more often in GM tournaments from now on. But maybe the book can encourage more main stream players to include this neglected but serious anti-Sicilian weapon in their opening repertoire. Whether the popularity of this gambit will grow depends, however, on its success in practical games.It's the author's intention to treat all alternatives of the 'standard move' 3… d5 in a second volume.113 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
This is one of these old stories from chess history which can neither be confirmed nor ultimately refuted. According to the story, and so far there is no doubt about its authenticity, Otto Tennison was a Danish player who lived in the 19th century. He used to open all his games categorically with the strongest first move 1.e4 until one day he became so fed up with all the elaborate variations his opponents threw onto the board without even thinking that he said to himself, ˮEnough is enough! From now on I will choose a completely different approach.“ Thus spoke Otto Tennison, and at the next opportunity when he played with the white pieces, he threw 1.Nf3 onto the board without even thinking. Alas, when his opponent answered 1...d5, he was overcome by doubts about what he had done. He sat and stared at the board as if in deep meditation, but suddenly, like struck by lightning, he took his king pawn, pushed it to e4 with great decisiveness and uttered – more to himself than to anybody else, ˮBetter late than never!“ The Tennison Gambit is one of these openings which the chess world has almost entirely neglected up to now. The initial move order 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4 (or less often 1.e4 d5 2.Nf3) leads to positions which are new territory for most players. As a sur- prise weapon it is the ideal approach to lure your opponent into theoretical no manʼs land almost from move one.Uwe Bekemann holds the title of ʻNational Correspondence Chess Masterʼ and is the author and co-author of several opening books.
111 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
In this book, which is aimed at advanced amateurs and club players of a lower or medium level, the author (FIDE Master Gerd Treppner; 1956 – 2009) has compiled 120 instructive test tasks. They are presented in multiple-choice with two or three suggested solutions. The detailed discussion of the tasks and their solutions follows in the book's second part. The chosen examples were selected partly from theoretical opening lines, partly from practical tournament games.
Many traps are so 'primitive' and so easily avoided that the victims later (too late!) wonder how they could overlook something so simple. In tournament chess, the traps are usually more subtle and can be recognized as such only later in the game – for example, if the opponent has been lured into an unfavorable line by transposition of moves.
Although the term 'opening trap' refers to the common use in chess literature, in this book it's extended to numerous opening-strategic and combinational cases, in which certain 'pitfalls' must be avoided that are not necessarily traps in the original sense of the word.
124 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
"Winning with 1.d4!" offers a complete repertoire for d4 players against all plausible responses. The recommendations were selected with the main goal of enabling the reader to leave out vast amounts of opening theory and to concentrate on a comprehensible number of lines that promise some initiative and active play and often even an opening advantage.
Here is what you can expect from "Winning with 1.d4!".
– Well chosen promising opening systems from the abundance of theory
– Easily understandable presentation and thorough discussion of ideas and plans
– Novelties and other discoveries from current tournaments, both in classical and in correspondence chess
– Annotated games for your practical training
FM Jerzy Konikowski has published a large number of excellent opening books.
Uwe Bekemann is a national master in correspondence chess and has published several books on gambits.
376 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
Winning with 1.e4! - A confident and promising title that consistently stands for the idea that White starts the game with 1.e4, determined to obtain an opening advantage.
1.e4 is not only the most popular move, it's also the best chance to seize the initiative and create a lively combinatorial game. There is an abundance of theory no matter which opening Black chooses, but like a very good travel guide, "Winning with 1.e4!" leads the reader, always making sure to show him the best places while avoiding mass tourism.
Here are some of the many advantages of this approach:
The reader is given a carefully selected and researched complete repertoire, written from the perspective of White, but useful for Black as well.
The given lines promise a game rich in content. Since they are off the beaten track and avoid the flood of theory, they often promise a surprise effect and an opening advantage. Occasionally, they are on a confrontational course with the "iron rules" of chess. For example, if there is a good reason to activate the queen very early, this is exactly what is recommended.
A special note concerns the more than 80 completely annotated games. They have been selected very carefully, but often their instructive content was considered more important than the year they were played.
FIDE Master Jerzy Konikowski is the renowned author of a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a national correspondence chess master and the author of various books.
256 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
The Stonewall is an ideal choice for those players who are keen to avoid the realms of theory that surround more popular openings such as the King's Indian and Nimzo-Indian Defences.
With the Stonewall Black stakes an immediate claim in the centre and lays the foundations for a potentially dangerous kingside attack. The route to success with the Stonewall is very much based on an understanding of themes and ideas and these are clearly elucidated by experienced author Jacob Aagaard.
Contents:- Main line 1.d4 f5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 e6 4.c4 c6 5.Nf3 d5 6.0-0 Bd6- White Plays 7.b3- White Plays 7.Bf4- White's 7th Move- Alternatives; 7.Nbd2, 7.Ne5, 7.Qc2- Other Variations- 5.Nh3- Other Stonewalls- White Plays an Early e2-e3
144 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Everyman
23,40 €*
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