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Konikowski & Bekemann: Openings - The Queen´s Gambit

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What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the 'Queen's Gambit' – and instructions to show him how to use it.
And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are ex- plained, if they are not quite obvious.
Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.
FM Jerzy Konikowski has published a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a national master in correspondence chess. He is the author of books on gambits and the co-author of many others.

260 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag 

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Joachim Beyer Verlag
Zur Wallfahrtskirche 5
97483 Eltmann, Deutschland


Konikowski & Bekemann: Openings - The English Opening Vol 1: Symmetrical Variation
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile the material for a book about the English Opening. As their work progressed, they realized that there was too much material to be accommodated in a single work. That's why they decided to divide it into two volumes. Volume 1 deals with the Symmetrical Variation, which is characterized by the moves c2-c4 and c7-c5. It is presented in an introduction and 6 following chapters, which are designed according to the guidelines of the series 'read – understand – play'. The opening lines are explained in detail, with the authors paying special attention to the presentation of the inherent ideas and plans to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves learned by heart. Even the meaning and purpose of a single move may be explained, insofar as it is important for understanding. Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, he will be able to use the discussed Symmetrical Variation with the white and the black pieces in an appropriate way. At the same time, the work offers one or the other new idea that can surprise even an experienced opponent and promises interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess games. The correctness of the treated lines was checked with the help of leading engines. FM Jerzy Konikowski has published a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a national master in correspondence chess. He is the author of books on gambits and the co-author of many others. 180 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag 

23,00 €*
Konikowski & Bekemann: Openings - Queen´s Pawn Games
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the Queen's Pawn Openings and instructions to show him how to use them. With this work, the reader gains access to systems that are very popular today, such as the Trompowsky Attack and the London System, or surprise weapons such as the Richter-Veresov Attack or the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, of which the latter has enjoyed a loyal following of fans for many decades and is therefore surrounded by a very special aura. The main systems are presented in 11 chapters, which are de- signed according to the guidelines of the series 'read – understand – play'. The openings are explained in detail, with the authors paying special attention to the presentation of the inherent ideas and plans to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the meaning and purpose of a single move may be explained, insofar as it is important for understanding. Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, he will be able to use the discussed Queen's Pawn Openings with the white and the black pieces in an appropriate way. At the same time, the work offers one or the other new idea that can surprise even an experienced opponent and promises interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess games. FM Jerzy Konikowski has published a large number of excellent opening books. Uwe Bekemann is a national master in correspondence chess. He is the author of books on gambits and the co-author of many others. 300 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag 

24,80 €*
Konikowski & Bekemann: Openings - Semi-Open Games
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the 'Semi-Open Games' – such as the French Defense and the Caro-Kann Defense (note that the 'Sicilian Defense' was discussed in a separate volume) – and instructions to show him how to use them. And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are ex- plained, if they are not quite obvious. Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.   240 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag 

23,00 €*
Konikowski & Bekemann: Openings - The Sicilian Defense
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the Sicilian Defense – and instructions to show him how to use it. And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are explained, if they are not quite obvious. Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess. 170 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag 

19,80 €*
Konikowski & Bekemann: Openings - Open Games
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book (the first of a small series) that gives explanations to help the reader understand the openings that arise after the initial moves 1.e4 e5 (e.g. such renowned and important openings as the 'Ruy Lopez', the 'Four Knights Game' or the 'King's Gambit') – and instructions to show him how to use them. And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each opening are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are explained, if they are not quite obvious. Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess. 160 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag 

19,80 €*
Konikowski & Bekemann: Openings - The King´s Indian Defense
What does a chess player need who is familiar with the rules, but often gets into trouble right away in the opening? This question was the starting point for the authors before they began to compile their material. The result is a book that gives explanations to help the reader understand the King's Indian Defense – and instructions to show him how to use it. And no matter if he is little or even completely unfamiliar with opening theory, this book gives him easy access to this difficult and comprehensive field. The ideas and plans behind each line are explained in detail to ensure that the reader understands them properly instead of just playing moves that he has learned by heart. Even the sense and purpose of single moves are ex- plained, if they are not quite obvious. Based on the knowledge that the reader will surely acquire by studying this book, it will be easy to build a game and play interesting, entertaining and – last but not least – successful chess.2 228 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag 

23,00 €*