Mikhalchishin: Strategy University Vol 3: Positional Pawn Sacrifice
In chess we have certain aims - coordination and the activation of one’s own pieces. Sometimes we need a special little something to speed up one of these processes - a small material sacrifice, mainly a pawn or pawns. A dynamic pawn sacrifice is easy to see, as the idea is to get clear gains for the pawn. Positional pawn sacrifices are much more difficult, as their real purpose does not become clear immediately, but only during the development of the plan. There were famous masters of positional pawn sacrifices - Bronstein, Kasparov and Romanishin. Video running time: 4 hrs 15 min.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 29,90 €* (50% gespart)
McDonald: Englische Geheimnisse
McDonald: Englische Geheimnisse   Dieses Buch ist ideal für alle Spieler, die die Grundlagen der Englischen Eröffnung verstehen wollen. Englisch ist ein anspruchsvolles und beliebtes Eröffnungssystem, das für jeden Spielertyp geeignet ist und zu positionellen und taktischen Mittelspielen führen kann. Viele der weltbesten Spieler, darunter Kasparow und Kramnik, haben Englisch in ihrem Eröffnungsarsenal. In diesem wegweisenden Buch erläutert Großmeister Neil McDonald die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Englischen Eröffnung und ihrer vielen Abspiele. Den ganzen leicht lesbaren Ratgeber hindurch unterstützt der Autor den Leser mit zahlreichen Hinweisen, Tipps und Warnungen, während er Schlüsselstrategien, Ideen und taktische Tricks für beide Seiten klar darlegt. Ein ideales Buch für den aufstrebenden Spieler. Von einem Eröffnungsexperten geschrieben   Behandelt alle wichtigen Varianten   Ein Blick auf die Grundlagen einer der wichtigsten Eröffnungen Der englische Grossmeister Neil McDonald ist ein auf der internationalen Turnierszene erfahrener Spieler und kann eine ganze Reihe von Turniererfolgen vorweisen. Es ist ein geachteter Schachtrainer, der viele der stärksten englischen Jugendspieler trainiert hat. Außerdem ist McDonald ein begabter Schachautor, der zahlreiche herausragende Werke verfasst hat.   216 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Everyman

13,95 €* 24,80 €* (43.75% gespart)
NN: Scandinavian Defence (B01)
60 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag s1 EditriceDie Bücher sind zwar neu, können allerdings altersbedingte Lagerspuren aufweisen. Wir bitten das zu berücksichtigen.

4,00 €*
NN: Sicilian Defence 5.f3 (B54)
60 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag s1 EditriceDie Bücher sind zwar neu, können allerdings altersbedingte Lagerspuren aufweisen. Wir bitten das zu berücksichtigen.

4,00 €*
Neumann: Sicilian Defence Closed Variation B26
137 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag s1 EditriceDie Bücher sind zwar neu, können allerdings altersbedingte Lagerspuren aufweisen. Wir bitten das zu berücksichtigen.

5,00 €*
Freidl: Das moderne Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit – Band 2
204 Seiten, gebunden, Schachverlag Schmaus 1984

9,95 €*
Freidl: Das moderne Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit – Band 4
195 Seiten, gebunden, Schachverlag Schmaus 1983

9,95 €*
Polgar & Shutzman: Queen of the Kings Game
siehe Bilder353 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Comp Chess Hinweis zum Zustand des Buches:II. Wahl. Das kann Buch Lagerspuren aufweisen, wie z.B. Verfärbungen, leichte Stoßkanten oder Schmutzspuren. Dies wurde bei der Preisauszeichnung berücksichtigt und stellt deshalb keinen Reklamationsgrund dar. Wir bitten dies zu berücksichtigen. Vielen Dank!  

13,95 €*
Rajkovic: Top 12+1 Vol. 1 - VI-XII / 2000
  "Chess players stopped playing the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez (C 69), after opening books declared that it should lead to no advantage for White. Then Bobby Fischer employed the line three times in the Havana Olympiad 1966 and won all three: thus an opening rose from the dead and still thrives today.   Like fashion designers, leading chess players are arbiters of which openings are good and which should be discarded. However, the paths they blaze do not generally stay open for a single season only: but rather, being based on a deep understanding of strategy and long experience, have a considerable and often an indefinite lifespan.   When Mikhail Botvinnik adopted the Grünfeld Defence as part of his opening repertoire, he declared that only in this opening could Black give up the centre and get such free development for his pieces. In the Alekhine Defence, in contrast, Black forces White's pawns to advance in order to accelerate his development by attacking them. Many have followed the example of Botvinnik and Alekhine, precisely because they are two former world champions.   Top 12+1 offers chess players exactly the information they need to know: what the best of them play and what the best of them think is the best; how the top players on the rating list react to 1.e4 or 1.d4 and which systems they choose against specific defences such as different lines of the Sicilian; which openings the elite choose against particularly aggressive opponents and how they play for a draw?   Naturally Top 12+1 supplies different answers to these and other questions for the different members of this elite: since their individual playing styles and opening repertoires are all different. This gives the reader a wide range of options to consider when designing his or her ownopening repertoire. And statistical analyses can help the process by showing the frerquency of different openings and percentage results obtained.   Top 12+1 is to appear every six months. By so doing, it will, amongst other things, provide a "safety net" discouraging the reader from adopting opening lines which have visibly fallen from grace during the period.   It will also provide clues as to whether the members of the elite will continue to play the same lines against particular opponents or opt for a change. And there should be considerable continuity since we can suppose that the top dozen on the rating list will remain pretty constant at least over a short period.   The opening is an essential phase of chess. New ideas arise in them and old ones are discarded and the final result of a game is greatly influenced by the outcome of the opening battle. You can learn openings by heart but it's much better to do so in conjunction with study of the games of top grandmasters.   The short introductory texts on each player were written by grandmaster Dusan Rajkovic, one of people behind this new periodical."   "Preface:   Chess players stopped playing the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez (C 69), after opening books declared that it should lead to no advantage for White. Then Bobby Fischer employed the line three times in the Havana Olympiad 1966 and won all three: thus an opening rose from the dead and still thrives today.   Like fashion designers, leading chess players are arbiters of which openings are good and which should be discarded. However, the paths they blaze do not generally stay open for a single season only: but rather, being based on a deep understanding of strategy and long experience, have a considerable and often an indefinite lifespan.   When Mikhail Botvinnik adopted the Grünfeld Defence as part of his opening repertoire, he declared that only in this opening could Black give up the centre and get such free development for his pieces. In the Alekhine Defence, in contrast, Black forces White's pawns to advance in order to accelerate his development by attacking them. Many have followed the example of Botvinnik and Alekhine, precisely because they are two former world champions.   Top 12+1 offers chess players exactly the information they need to know: what the best of them play and what the best of them think is the best; how the top players on the rating list react to 1.e4 or 1.d4 and which systems they choose against specific defences such as different lines of the Sicilian; which openings the elite choose against particularly aggressive opponents and how they play for a draw?   Naturally Top 12+1 supplies different answers to these and other questions for the different members of this elite: since their individual playing styles and opening repertoires are all different. This gives the reader a wide range of options to consider when designing his or her ownopening repertoire. And statistical analyses can help the process by showing the frerquency of different openings and percentage results obtained.   Top 12+1 is to appear every six months. By so doing, it will, amongst other things, provide a "safety net" discouraging the reader from adopting opening lines which have visibly fallen from grace during the period.   It will also provide clues as to whether the members of the elite will continue to play the same lines against particular opponents or opt for a change. And there should be considerable continuity since we can suppose that the top dozen on the rating list will remain pretty constant at least over a short period.   The opening is an essential phase of chess. New ideas arise in them and old ones are discarded and the final result of a game is greatly influenced by the outcome of the opening battle. You can learn openings by heart but it's much better to do so in conjunction with study of the games of top grandmasters.   The short introductory texts on each player were written by grandmaster Dusan Rajkovic, one of people behind this new periodical." 248 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Informator      

5,00 €* 12,80 €* (60.94% gespart)
Ramirez: Attacking with the Benkö Gambit Part 2
A powerful weapon in any player’s Black repertoire. However, many white players, fearing black activity and compensation, decide to avoid it altogether before Black has the chance to sacrifice his pawn. This DVD offers a complete repertoire for black players after 1.d4 in the case that White avoids the move 2.c4 or after 2.c4 c5 avoids the move 3.d5. Additionally, you will find good and aggressive black alternatives against 1.Nf3 and 1.c4, allowing you to have a full repertoire against any 1.d4 player, no matter what their move order is. The variations chosen in this DVD will be helpful not only to Benko players, but anyone that wants to battle systems such as the Zukertort, Colle, Trompowsky, the English and many others. The DVD was made with the spirit of the Benko in mind, so the lines chosen will suit positionally aggressive players perfectly. Alejandro Ramirez is the only Grandmaster from Central America and achieved his title at the age of 15. Since then he has played in top level events including the World Chess Championship in 2004, three Olympiads and he was the winner of the 2010 US Open.Alejandro is now a prolific chess writer and player who has been using the Benkö Gambit his entire life - including in his mini-match against former World Champion Rustam Kasimdzhanov. System requirements Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or 8, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Rotariu & Eimmino: The Bird Variation in the Ruy Lopez
128 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag S1 Editrice

5,00 €*
Heemsoth: Kurt-Klar-Gedenkturnier
124 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Mädler

6,00 €*
Piket-Nunn 52nd hoogovens chess tournament wijk aan zee 1990
66 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag New in Chess

6,00 €*
Saidy: Kampf der Schachideen
Inhaltsverzeichnis:      Kampf der Schachideen   1. Schach: Ursprung und Bedeutung  2. Die romantische Epoche  3. Systematische Ideen im Schach  4. Die hypermoderne Revolte   5. Die Suche nach einer Synthese  6. Die neue dynamische Methode und die sogenannte sowjetische Schule  7. Botwinnik: Der Marsch der Wissenschaft  8. Reshevsky: Der Geist der Selbstbehauptung  9. Keres: Der Mann mit dem Angriffsgeist  10. Bronstein: Die Freude an der Erfindung  11. Smyslov: Entdeckerfreude 12. Tal: Die Psychologie der Magie  13. Petrosjan: Das Zeitalter des Anti-Helden 14. Larsen: Die Lebenskraft der Romantik  15. Spasski: Das Geheimnis Caissas  16. Fischer: Die Grenzen des Genies  17. Karpov: Den Nutzen der Genauigkeit genießen  18. Kortschnoj: Gefahren der Provokation  19. Kasparov: Die Wiedergeburt des Schöpferischen  20. Die Zukunft des Schachs 214 Seiten, kartoniert, Ausgabe 1986

24,80 €*
Sanakojew: Der 3. Versuch - Mein Weg zum Fernschach-Weltmeister
Der XII. Fernschach-Weltmeister schildert hier seinen Weg von den Anfängen bis zum Gipfel. In eindrücklichen Worten läßt er dabei den Leser an Leid wie Freud des Fernschach-Lebens teilhaben. Anhand von 59 ausführlich kommentierten Partien voller Brillanz und Gedankentiefe zelebriert der Autor "seine" höchst persönliche Fernschach- und bisweilen auch Lebensphilosophie. Garniert wird dieser einzigartige Einblick in jene ultimative Variante des Schachs mit unterhaltsam wie lehrreich zugleich verfaßten Leitsätzen zum "Spiel per Postkarte". Grigorij Sanakojew, Jahrgang 1935 und ansässig in Woronesh (Russland), war von Beruf Chemiker, doch der Umbruch in seinem Heimatland zwang auch ihn zu einer Neuorientierung. So war dann als Schachtrainer, Schachorganisator und als Schachpublizist tätig.240 Seiten, gebunden, Verlag Kania

9,95 €* 19,40 €* (48.71% gespart)
Schneider, Komplette Moderne Benoni-Verteidigung 2 Bände
Band 1: 300 Seiten, gebunden Verlag DreierBand 2: 224 Seiten, gebunden Verlag DreierHinweis: Die Bücher zeigen altersbedingte Lagerspuren was bereits bei der Preisgestaltung berücksichtigt wurde und deshalb keinen Grund zu einer Reklamation darstellt. Wir bitten dies zu berücksichtigen. Danke.

13,95 €*
Shirov: Beating the Berlin Defence
Seit dem WM-Match Kasparov-Kramnik (London 2000) beißen sich die Weißspieler an der Berliner Verteidigung der Spanischen Eröffnung die Zähne aus. Zwar gab es hier und da auch Erfolge, aber ein ums andere Mal demonstrierte die Gegenseite überzeugend, wie man ausgleicht oder eine uneinnehmbare Festung errichtet. Die Lage aus weißer Sicht ist durchaus prekär – Kneifen kommt einer Kapitulation gleich, denn alle Alternativvarianten zum Berliner Endspiel bedeuten den Verzicht auf Eröffnungsvorteil. Was tun? Es gibt keinen anderen Weg, Weiß muss Mittel finden, die schwarze Verteidigung zu knacken. Vor diesem Hintergrund kommt diese neue DVD von Alexei Shirov genau richtig. Wie kaum ein anderer Großmeister seiner Klasse ist der Lette für sein kompromissloses und kreatives Schach bekannt. In über 3 Stunden Videospielzeit gibt er Ihnen eine Vielzahl strategischer Finessen, innovativer Ideen und konkrete Spielvorschläge an die Hand. Videospielzeit: 3 Std. 49 min   Englische Sprachversion   Systemvoraussetzungen Pentium Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte

14,95 €* 29,90 €* (50% gespart)
Shirov: Sicilian Najdorf 6. Bg5
There are few opening systems which have been undergoing such a fast and furious renaissance as the 6.Bg5 Variation of the Najdorf System. Inspired by Radjabov’s victories over Anand and Karjakin in 2006, a great number of games have been played since then, meaning that the theory has developed enormously. But even before then it stretched to such distant horizons that makes it all the more important to have someone who can explain the ideas which underlie the variations. That is exactly what Alexei Shirov does on his DVD. His explanations are all the more valuable because they are delivered by a player who himself has been responsible for developing the theory of the Najdorf. The author also makes use of games played by others in lines where he himself has not played any. Video running time: more than 5 hours Alexej Shirov was born in Riga just like world champion Mihail Tal, and also his playing style reminds many chess fans of the young Tal. In the beginning of the 90ies, a comet-like rise brought the young Latvian to the world top within the shortest of time. Being no older than 22 years, he already had an Elo rating of nearly 2750 and belonged to the absolute elite. Since then Shirov has been one of the best players in the world, delighting all chess fans with original and amazing ideas on the board.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard   This Fritztrainer is also running under Pocket Fritz 3 and Pocket Fritz 4.

14,95 €* 32,90 €* (54.56% gespart)
Shirov: The Philidor Defence
The modern form of the Philidor Defence arises via the move order 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5. Then after 4.Nf3 Nbd7, Shirov has introduced the pawn sacrifice 5.g4!? into practice - and achieved excellent results with it. Accepting the sacrifice leads to a very sharp position full of tactical possibilities. Shirov is one of the best connoisseurs of this system, and although he has been very successful with the white pieces in this line, he is always striving for objectivity and shows the possibilities for Black’s counterplay as well. Who finds the gambit 5.g4!? too double-edged, can find an alternative in the tried and tested, solid strategic approach 5.Bc4 Be7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Re1 c6 8.a4. Also on this system Shirov presents many of his own games, discussing among other things the difficult, but extremely important question whether and when White can advantageously proceed in the centre with d4-d5. The third system presented by Shirov arises after the traditional Philidor move order 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4. Black tries to solve his problems by the radical 3... exd4 now, a move which was already played by Horwitz versus Staunton in 1846 and which recently has come into fashion again. Analysing his game against Nisipeanu, apart from Bacrot one of the experts of Black’s way of playing, Shirov shows how White can fight for the advantage here. Video running time: 5 h 52 m.   Alexei Shirov was born in Riga just like world champion Mihail Tal, and also his playing style reminds many chess fans of the young Tal. In the beginning of the 90ies, a comet-like rise brought the young Latvian to the world top within the shortest of time. Being no older than 22 years, he already had an Elo rating of nearly 2750 and belonged to the absolute elite. Since then Shirov has been one of the best players in the world, delighting all chess fans with original and amazing ideas on the board.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 29,90 €* (50% gespart)
Shirov: The Sicilian with 3. Bb5
The Rossolimo Variation of the Sicilian Defence (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5) is always an excellent choice with White if you want to avoid the deeply analysed main lines of the Open Sicilian (3.d4), in which the analysis frequently goes deep into the middlegame or sometimes even into the endgame. For that reason the move 3.Bb5 has a fi rm place in the repertoire of many grandmasters where it is welcome above all as an anti-Sveshnikov weapon. Instead of getting involved in a theoretical duel, White logically aims for strategically complex positions, e.g. by exchanging on c6 and at the cost of the bishop pair degrading Black’s pawn structure (doubled pawns c6/c5). This results in positions in which positional understanding is more important than knowledge of specific variations - meaning that only players who are aware of the general plans and typical piece manoeuvres will be able to find their way through them. Alexei Shirov provides you with the requisite understanding of the subtleties of these positions, by annotating extensively his most important games in this variation. During his career he has played the 3.Bb5 system with both colours and he shares with you on this DVD his valuable experience in the form of video lessons which take up a total running time of more than seven hours.   Alexei Shirov was born in Riga just like world champion Mihail Tal, and also his playing style reminds many chess fans of the young Tal. In the beginning of the 90ies, a comet-like rise brought the young Latvian to the world top within the shortest of time. Being no older than 22 years, he already had an Elo rating of nearly 2750 and belonged to the absolute elite. Since then Shirov has been one of the best players in the world, delighting all chess fans with original and amazing ideas on the board.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 32,90 €* (54.56% gespart)
Shirov: And Action ! - How to Crown Positional Play by Tactics
 There are few names which, like that of Alexei Shirov, can be associated with fantastically imaginative and tactically influenced play. Now the Latvian grandmaster is presenting a DVD on precisely that element of the game of chess. And one that is completely based on his own games. The first series of examples deals with simple tactics, in which mate often has its part to play. In the passing you will learn a lot of details about Shirov’s career and also his evaluation of other players. By the second series it is not only tactics which are being discussed, but also attacking play in its entirety. Yet here too the author continues to offer you the opportunity to find for yourself a move or a short combination. In chapters 5 and 6 he demonstrates complex attacks. That is to a great extent the key discipline: tactics embedded in positional play or seen from the opposite point of view, positional play which includes tactical elements. So this DVD goes far beyond pure tactics and is perfectly suited to advanced players who wish to develop their understanding of the game. Video running time: 4 hours 52 min.   System requirements:Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 29,90 €* (50% gespart)
Shirov: Endgame Fireworks
On this DVD Alexei Shirov shows that also in the endgame, it is possible to keep struggling for the full point to the very last - if you are creative and ambitious. Because even in objectively quite balanced positions, you can frequently find ways to sharpen up or complicate the fight. For the tournament player, often all that matters is to be able to pose practical problems which his or her opponent might finally fail to solve. Thus Shirov sees himself rather as an endgame practicioner, putting down his successes in this phase of the game less to concrete knowledge about theoretical positions than to the understanding of general principles, good intuition and exact calculation of variations. One main emphasis of the DVD is the endgame with rooks and different coloured bishops which Shirov finds particularly interesting, analysing five examples. Another important feature is the very complex and difficult setting with four rooks (three examples), where he works out most helpful general principles. All in all, Shirov examines 17 examples out of his own practice, among them his famous different coloured bishop ending versus Topalov which went around the whole world. Running time: 4,5 hours.   Alexej Shirov was born in Riga just like world champion Mihail Tal, and also his playing style reminds many chess fans of the young Tal. In the beginning of the 90ies, a comet-like rise brought the young Latvian to the world top within the shortest of time. Being no older than 22 years, he already had an Elo rating of nearly 2750 and belonged to the absolute elite. Since then Shirov has been one of the best players in the world, delighting all chess fans with original and amazing ideas on the board   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 32,90 €* (54.56% gespart)
Shirov: My best Games in the Nimzo-Indian
With this DVD on the Nimzo-Indian Defence (including the Catalan and the Queen‘s Indian) Alexei Shirov continues the successful and highly praised series about his best games. As in the preceding DVDs the Latvian super grandmaster succeeds in spoiling his public with analysis of a high quality and with exciting insights into his games, and he does so in his own reserved, pleasant and modest style. The DVD concentrates on the Classical Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2. But when playing against the very solid Nimzo-Indian, which the author faced most often as White, it is enormously important to be able to vary your opening lines and so the author himself often switches to 3.Nf3; this then leads to games with 3.b6 (Queen‘s Indian) or 3.d5 4.g3 (Catalan). Amongst the opponents in the games he presents are, for example, Topalov and Leko. Video running time: over 4 hours.   Alexej Shirov was born in Riga just like world champion Mihail Tal, and also his playing style reminds many chess fans of the young Tal. In the beginning of the 90ies, a comet-like rise brought the young Latvian to the world top within the shortest of time. Being no older than 22 years, he already had an Elo rating of nearly 2750 and belonged to the absolute elite. Since then Shirov has been one of the best players in the world, delighting all chess fans with original and amazing ideas on the board.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Media Player 9.0, DVD drive

14,95 €* 32,90 €* (54.56% gespart)