In diesem umfangreichen Werk über taktische Endspiele – mit den
Schwerpunktthemen aktiver König, Mattangriff, Freibauer und Zugzwang –
betrachten die Autoren anhand von 100 beispielhaften Stellungen (je 20
zu jedem Thema) etliche typische Szenarien und nehmen dabei allerlei
Faustregeln unter die Lupe, wobei sie es allerdings nicht versäumen,
auch auf die mitunter fast noch wichtigeren Ausnahmen hinzuweisen.Fast
alle Beispiele stammen aus aktuellen Turnieren, woraus zu schließen
ist, dass die behandelten Themen – im klaren Unterschied zu solchen in
der Eröffnungsphase – nicht etwa einem Zeitgeist unterliegen, sondern
dass sie beständig und häufig vorkommen und quasi zum ‚täglichen Brot'
jedes Schachspielers gehören. Da es entsprechend wichtig ist, sich damit
vertraut zu machen, um am Brett dafür gerüstet zu sein, erhalten die
Leser im Anschluss die Gelegenheit, ihr bereits vorhandenes sowie ihr
neu hinzugekommenes Wissen und Können an 50 Übungsbeispielen auf die
Probe zu stellen.Darüber hinaus werden zu Übungszwecken auch 100
durchweg faszinierende Studien geboten, wobei Wert darauf gelegt wurde,
dass es sich um praxisnahe Stellungen handelt, die durchaus auch einer
gespielten Partie entnommen sein könnten und deren Lösungen klar
nachvollziehbar sind.An sämtliche Übungsaufgaben kann man entweder
unter turniernahen Bedingungen herangehen, oder man kann das Buch als
reines Lehrbuch ansehen und sich ohne übermäßige Anstrengung direkt mit
den Lösungen beschäftigen, denn selbst bei diesem Herangehen ist
sichergestellt, dass bereits vorhandenes Wissen um viele typische
Endspielmotive bereichert wird. Wie auch immer können die Leser sicher
sein, dass der Zauber aus dem Reich der Endspiele auch sie in seinen
Bann ziehen wird und dass sie die Faszination der letzten Partiephase
genießen werden.
200 Seiten, kartoniert,
Joachim Beyer Verlag
In this comprehensive work on tactical endgames – with the main topics of
active king, mating attack, passed pawn and zugzwang – the authors use
100 exemplary positions (20 for each topic) to examine a number of
typical scenarios and all kinds of rules of thumb, although they do not
neglect to point out the exceptions, which are sometimes almost more
important.Almost all of the examples come from current tournaments,
from which it can be concluded that the topics covered – in clear
contrast to those in the opening phase – are not subject to a zeitgeist,
but that they occur consistently and frequently and are practically
part of every chess player's daily bread. Since it is important to
familiarize yourself with them in order to be prepared at the board,
readers are then given the opportunity to put their pre-existing and
newly acquired knowledge and skills to the test with 50 exercises.In
addition, 100 fascinating studies are offered for practice purposes,
with emphasis on the fact that these are positions that could well have
been taken from a practical game and whose solutions are clearly under-
standable.All of the practice exercises can either be approached
under tournament conditions, or you can view the book as a pure textbook
and deal directly with the solutions without undue effort, because even
with this approach it is guaranteed that existing knowledge will be
enriched with many typical endgame motifs. In any case, readers can be
sure that the magic of the realm of endgames will cast its spell over
them too and that they will enjoy the fascination of the final phase of
the game.
198 Seiten, kartoniert,
Joachim Beyer Verlag
Fritz 19
Angreifer, Feigling, Schwindler oder Endspiel-Zauberer: Ich zeig' Dir, wie man gegen jeden Typ gewinnt!
Nach meinen
WM-Siegen 2022 und 2023 bin ich amtierender Schach-Computer-Weltmeister
und freue mich jetzt darauf, Dir zu zeigen, wie Du Deinem Gegenüber noch
stärker begegnest.
Mit meiner
innovativen Trainingsmethode simuliere ich typische
Spieler-Persönlichkeiten, die Du aus Turnieren und Onlineschach kennst:
forsche Angreifer, vorsichtige Feiglinge, lahme Passivspieler, aber wie
gewinnt man gegen sie? Dein Fritz zeigt Dir, wie es geht!
Und für schöne
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Magnus Carlsen ist stärkster Schachspieler der Gegenwart. In überlegener
Manier gewann der Norweger Ende 2013 das WM-Match gegen Viswanathan
Anand und läutete damit eine neue Ära ein. Carlsens Spiel zeichnet sich
durch Originalität und Gedankentiefe, große Dynamik und Präzision aus.Noch
ehe der Großmeister mit 22 Jahren die Schachkrone eroberte, zählte ihn
das US-Magazin „Time" zu den hundert berühmtesten Menschen der Erde.
Garri Kasparow schrieb: „Ich hatte Gelegenheit, Carlsen zu trainieren.
Sein intuitiver Stil bewahrt das Geheimnisvolle des Schachs. Er ist
ebenso charismatisch und unabhängig wie talentiert. Wenn er die
Faszination für das Schach wiedererweckt, werden wir bald in der
Carlsen-Epoche leben." Diese Worte sind nun Realität.Der bekannte
Berliner Schachpublizist Dagobert Kohlmeyer beschreibt in diesem Buch
Magnus Carlsens Weg vom Wunderkind bis zum Weltmeister. Dabei zeichnet
er den kometenhaften Aufstieg eines jungen Schachspielers nach, der am
Brett gnadenlos, aber im normalen Leben durchaus freundlich sein kann.Fünfzig
ausgewählte Partiebeispiele belegen Carlsens meisterhaftes Können und
sein einmaliges Schachverständnis. Sie sind chronologisch geordnet: von
den Frühwerken bis zu allen WM-Begegnungen mit Anand sowie dem ersten
Turnier nach dem Titelgewinn. Etliche Spiele hat der Figurenkünstler
selbst erklärt, interessante Kommentare speziell für das Buch steuerte
Großmeister Artur Jussupow bei.
unveränderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 2014, vormals ISBN 978-3-940417-57-2
240 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag
Embark on a journey to master endgames
with "Practical Endgames," a cornerstone of the acclaimed Bologan's
Chess Academy Series by grandmaster Victor Bologan. In a chess world
packed with opening theory and tactics, the significance of endgame play
often remains overlooked. Yet, it is here, in the final phase of the
game, where victories are sealed, and legends are made.
Unlock the Secrets of Endgame Success
Reflecting on his illustrious career,
Bologan shares the hard-earned wisdom gleaned from countless hours of
competition and study. He acknowledges the many victories that slipped
away in the endgame—not just for himself, but for his adversaries as
well. It is this shared experience that underscores the undeniable
importance of endgame proficiency.
Learn from the Best
Drawing inspiration from the legendary
Mark Dvoretsky, Bologan emphasises that mastering the endgame is not
just beneficial—it's essential. "Practical Endgames" distils this
critical knowledge into an accessible and comprehensive course, ensuring
that every player, regardless of skill level, can achieve endgame
Your Ultimate Endgame Resource
This course isn't just another addition
to your chess library—it's the definitive guide to elevate your endgame
play. From fundamental principles to advanced techniques, "Practical
Endgames" covers every aspect of endgame strategy:
Essential Skills: Build a solid foundation with key concepts and fundamental endgame principles.
Advanced Techniques: Delve into complex endgame scenarios and learn to navigate them with confidence.
Real-World Examples: Analyse game-changing endgame positions and see how grandmasters clinch victory.
Interactive Learning: Engage with practical exercises designed to reinforce your understanding and application of endgame strategies.
Enrol Now and Secure Your Success on the Chessboard!
Join the ranks of players who understand
that the endgame is where games are truly won. With "Practical
Endgames," you'll have everything you need to turn those critical
moments into decisive victories.
Video running time: 5 h 7 min (English)
Extra: Training with ChessBase apps – Play key positions against Fritz onvarious Levels
Including download & stream for iPad, tablet etc: can be unlocked with imprinted key
Transform your chess game with "Dynamic
Play" , a course meticulously designed to enhance your understanding and
execution of dynamic strategies. Crafted by grandmaster Victor Bologan,
this course reveals the secrets behind aggressive play and the creation
of sharp, unpredictable positions on the board.
Expert Insights from a Chess Master
Victor Bologan shares his expert insights
and battle-tested tactics, drawing on a wealth of examples from his own
illustrious career. His guidance will teach you how to seize the
initiative and keep your opponents on the defensive.
Comprehensive Coverage of Tactical Play
A significant portion of this video
course is dedicated to identifying and exploiting tactical weaknesses
and critical formations. These fundamental theories, developed by
Bologan's coach Veaceslav Chebanenco, provide a robust framework for
dynamic play.
Perfect for All Skill Levels
Whether you're a beginner aiming to
improve your attacking prowess or an advanced player looking to enrich
your dynamic repertoire, this course is packed with valuable content:
Elevate Your Chess Game
Don't miss this opportunity to
revolutionize your approach to chess. " Dynamic Play" is your ultimate
guide to mastering aggressive strategies and dominating the board. With
practical tips, exercises, and game analysis, you'll gain the skills and
confidence to outplay any opponent.
Enrol Now and Ignite Your Chess Potential!
Join the ranks of dynamic players who
understand the power of aggressive chess. With "The Dynamic Play in
Chess," you'll have everything you need to take your game to the next
Video running time: 4 h 47 min (English)
Extra: Training with ChessBase apps – Play key positions against Fritz onvarious Levels
Including download & stream for iPad, tablet etc: can be unlocked with imprinted key
It is not the quality of your best moves that wins you games; it
is the quality of your worst moves. The quickest way to improve your
chess skills is to raise the bar.
The Spanish grandmaster and coach Jesus de la Villa has proven with
his best-seller 100 Endgames You Must Know that he understands exactly
what a chess student needs. Building on his experience as a writer and
as a coach for juniors, he has carefully selected the 50 Mistakes every
player should be aware of – so the mistake can be avoided.
De la Villa loves this quote from the American First Lady, Eleanor
Roosevelt: ‘Learn from the errors of others. You can’t live long enough
to make them all yourself.’
For over a decade, De la Villa has closely observed the Spanish
junior championships, noting the recurring errors that players make. He
has taken notes, classified these errors, and created training tasks
based on them. From this wealth of chess exercises, he has selected the
most impactful and has added recommendations how to correct the error.
Your performance will improve dramatically because this book offers you:
50 important chess lessons
detailed and lively explanations
clear summaries and recommendations
dozens of tests.
Jesus de la Villa (1958) is an International
Grandmaster born in Spain. He is a successful author and a well-known
chess trainer. He has twice won the Spanish Championship. His book 100
Endgames You Must Know is an international bestseller
356 Seiten, Taschenbuch, Verlag Quality Chess
Band von “Statische und Dynamische Stellungsbewertung” möchte ich meinen
Lesern konkrete Methoden der Stellungsbewertung im Schach vermitteln
und somit weitere Türen auf dem Weg des fachlichen Aufstiegs öffnen.
Viele Trainer stehen täglich vor dem Problem, wann und wie man Anfänger
bestimmte Elemente des Positionsschachs und der Stellungsbewertung
beibringt - dieses möchte ich versuchen, mit den Inhalten dieses Bandes
zu lösen.
Der Kern des Buches liegt in der Darstellung der Methoden zur Bewertung von Stellungen.
Ich beschreibe detailliert die verschiedenen Methoden zur Stellungsbewertung und deren praktische Anwendung.
Das Buch richtet sich an Schachspieler fast aller Spielstärken, von
Anfänger über Klubspieler bis hin zu Meistern und bietet seinen Lesern
Anleitungen und viele Übungen, die auf ihre jeweilige Spielstärke
zugeschnitten sind.
Neben den vorgestellten Methoden lernen die Leser auch, wie sie
verschiedene Faktoren bei der Bewertung einer Stellung individuell
berücksichtigen können.
Um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen der Leser gerecht zu werden, sind
die konkreten Methoden in drei Schwierigkeitsstufen mit Flussdiagrammen
und dazu passenden Analysetabellen unterteilt. Laszlo Mihok
ist Diplomingenieur, FIDE-Meister, FIDE-Trainer und Schachbuchautor. Er
wurde 1954 in Ungarn geboren und lebte und arbeitete 20 Jahre in
Deutschland. Dieses ist sein viertes Schachbuch, das bekannteste ist das
Kombinationsbuch „Pawndynamics“.
Seit 1976 unterrichtet er Schach, eine Tätigkeit, die ihn schon immer gereizt hat.
Als Trainer des Deutschen Schachbundes nahm er an sechs Jugendwelt- und
Europameisterschaften teil. Er unterrichtete einige außergewöhnlich
talentierte und inzwischen weltbekannte Schachspieler, darunter die
junge WGM Ildiko Madl und GM Adam Kozak.
In den 1980er Jahren trainierte er WGM Sofia Polgar und war GM Susan Polgars Trainingspartner.
Seit dem fünften Lebensjahr seines Sohnes GM Oliver Mihok, der deutscher
U8- und ungarischer U12- sowie U12-EU-Meister und Vizemeister bei der
U16-Mannschafts-WM wurde, ist er dessen Trainer.
In der letzten Zeit ist er als Trainer in Süddeutschland und im
Alpenraum tätig, besonders in Württemberg, seine Schüler haben insgesamt
mehr als zehn Landesmeistertitel erworben.
332 Seiten, hardcover, Verlag
If you want to win a game, you should be ready to progress in small
steps. In most games, you first need to gain the initiative, then
transform it into a positional advantage or into an attack and
eventually win the game. Reality is usually more complex and even
grandmaster games mostly contain mistakes on both sides and often even
unexpected twists and turns. (True, there are many grandmaster games in
which the balance has never been disrupted, but they do not really
belong into this book.) To gain the initiative, you need to sacrifice
some material or play somewhat better than the opponent. I often try to
create imbalances, e.g. exchange my bishop for an opponent’s knight,
doubling my opponent’s pawns or getting a lead in development in return.
Once you possess the initiative, you should usually act resolutely to
transform it into something real (more can be found in the chapter on
This book will be your perfect guide to combatting chess!
Chess has changed a bit in the past few years. Talented teenagers
play better than ever before, top players know even more theory and make
even fewer mistakes than before, preparation takes more time and
energy, and winning against strong opposition has become even more
difficult. When walking through a nearby cemetery during the 2023 Prague
Masters, I sadly contracted a drawish virus which is expected to cause
the draw death of chess sooner or later, as the great Capablanca
predicted. In that year, I started to play more solidly, scoring many
quick draws with Black in classical chess and even my White games were
often not overly interesting. (On the contrary, in rapid and blitz chess
I still have very few draws.) My mental hygiene was not great and I was
close to burn-out on several occasions – not the best situation for
someone who writes on ‘uncompromising play’. That said, it has taught me
that players should care about their energy level as well. And that
most of the advice shared in this book hold true even if you are tired,
although then it usually better to act more solidly if you are primarily
interested in a good result. That said, results are not everything.
Interesting games also matter and I am glad to share some of them with
you in this book.
I am a fighting player who likes to play and therefore only rarely agrees to a draw in unclear/undetermined positions.
I have my own chess philosophy which helps me to play daring,
uncompromising chess while being a rather friendly and timid person.
In most games, you first need to gain the initiative, then transform
it into a positional advantage or into an attack and eventually win the
Or you might find yourself in a bad position in an important game and need to do the best to save it.
I believe that reading this book might help you handle such situations better.
This book is primarily aimed at strong club players who want to improve further.
If you happen to be a stronger player and/or a very independent one,
please forgive me for including so many bits of advice. When getting
older, people often acquire a habit of giving advice to others.
I like the concept of justified optimism: when you prepare well and
believe in your strength, but still pay attention to your opponents’
intentions and do not underestimate them.
Once you possess the initiative, you should usually act resolutely to transform it into something real
This publication is luckily not limited to ambitious club players.
It contains many dramatic games or their fragments, which might appeal
to a significantly broader audience.
352 Seiten, gebunden, Verlag Thinkers Publishing
Sie das Neo-London-System – die kreative und verbesserte Version des
klassischen Londoner Systems! Mit dem Zug 3.c3 und dem späteren Lf4
bietet das Neo-London zwei entscheidende Vorteile:
• Vermeidung einer bestimmten Verteidigung: Sie verhindern wirkungsvoll die gefährliche Kombination von c5 und Db6.
• Risiken
für Schwarz in der Lf5-Variante: Die beliebte Lf5-Variante birgt für
Schwarz erhebliche Gefahren und kann Ihrem Spiel eine unerwartete
Wendung geben.
Kreativität und Neuerungen auf höchstem Niveau: Das
Neo-London-System bietet viele neue, kreative Möglichkeiten, um Ihre
Gegner schon in den frühen Phasen der Partie vor ernsthafte Probleme zu
stellen. Überraschen Sie Ihre Kontrahenten mit Stellungen, die noch
weitgehend unerforscht sind und von modernen
verfeinert wurden. Der Kurs liefert zahlreiche Neuerungen und Ideen und
ist deutlich schärfer, forcierter und unberechenbarer als sein
Umfangreiches Trainingsmaterial und interaktive Übungen in ChessBase Books: Spielen
Sie kritische Stellungen nach, lösen Sie taktische Aufgaben, finden Sie
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• Videospielzeit: mehr als 9 Stunden (Deutsch)
Produkt enthält Freischalt-Key (Keine DVD-ROM!) für:
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ChessBase books: Computer (iPad, Tablet, PC etc), aktueller Browser, Internet
ChessBase Video-Stream: Computer (iPad, Tablet, PC etc), aktueller Browser, Internet
App-Installation Windows: Windows-PC, Windows 10 oder 11 und Internet
App-Installation auf Mac: Mac OS X und Internet
Pähtz (Jg. 1985): die stärkste und erfolgreichste deutsche
Schachspielerin. 1999: Deutsche Meisterin, 2002: Weltmeisterin U18,
2004: Vizeweltmeisterin U20, 2005: Weltmeisterin U20, 2012:
Vizeeuropameisterin im Blitzschach, Bronze im Schnellschach 2017: Bronze
bei der Schnellschachweltmeisterschaft
Europameisterin im Schnellschach, Vize-Europameisterin im Blitzschach,
Nationalspielerin seit 1998, seit 2001 WGM, seit 2004 IM, seit 2022 GM.
into the world of elite chess mastery with our groundbreaking course,
"Revealing Modern Grandmaster Secrets." This isn't just another chess
tutorial – it's your all-access pass to the strategies, insights, and
techniques that define modern grandmaster play.
majesty: The King Discover the key to success in chess: mastering the
role of the king. Often underestimated, the king's position can make or
break your game – a vulnerable king can cost you dearly, while an active
king can be your secret weapon in endgames and attacks. This course
delves into Grandmaster-level strategies, with two dedicated chapters
packed with ideas to enhance your own gameplay.
an Impenetrable Defence Fortify your position against the fiercest
attacks. Understand the nuances of solid defensive play, discover how to
anticipate and neutralise threats before they appear, and transform
your king's safety into a launchpad for counterattack.
Your Calculation Skills Sharpen your mind with advanced calculation
techniques. Go beyond basic tactics to master complex combinations, deep
analysis, and precise move sequences that lead to victory. Learn to
visualise the board like a grandmaster and make decisions with
confidence and accuracy.
Your Positional Play Dominate the subtle, strategic battlefields of
chess. Understand the principles of strong positional play, from pawn
structure and piece activity to control of key squares and long-term
planning. Turn every position to your advantage and outmanoeuvre your
opponents with superior strategy.
you're aiming to climb the competitive ranks, improve your club play,
or simply enjoy the game on a deeper level, "Revealing Modern
Grandmaster Secrets" is your ultimate guide. Join us and transform your
chess skills today – your journey to chess mastery starts here. Enrol
Now and Become the Player You've Always Dreamed of Being!
• Video running time: More than 6 hours
• With interactive training including video feedback
• Extra: Training with ChessBase apps – Play key positions against Fritz on various levels
Including download & stream for iPad, tablet etc: can be unlocked with imprinted key
into the world of elite chess mastery with our groundbreaking course,
"Revealing Modern Grandmaster Secrets." This isn't just another chess
tutorial – it's your all-access pass to the strategies, insights, and
techniques that define modern grandmaster play.
majesty: The King Discover the key to success in chess: mastering the
role of the king. Often underestimated, the king's position can make or
break your game – a vulnerable king can cost you dearly, while an active
king can be your secret weapon in endgames and attacks. This course
delves into Grandmaster-level strategies, with two dedicated chapters
packed with ideas to enhance your own gameplay.
an Impenetrable Defence Fortify your position against the fiercest
attacks. Understand the nuances of solid defensive play, discover how to
anticipate and neutralise threats before they appear, and transform
your king's safety into a launchpad for counterattack.
Your Calculation Skills Sharpen your mind with advanced calculation
techniques. Go beyond basic tactics to master complex combinations, deep
analysis, and precise move sequences that lead to victory. Learn to
visualise the board like a grandmaster and make decisions with
confidence and accuracy.
Your Positional Play Dominate the subtle, strategic battlefields of
chess. Understand the principles of strong positional play, from pawn
structure and piece activity to control of key squares and long-term
planning. Turn every position to your advantage and outmanoeuvre your
opponents with superior strategy.
you're aiming to climb the competitive ranks, improve your club play,
or simply enjoy the game on a deeper level, "Revealing Modern
Grandmaster Secrets" is your ultimate guide. Join us and transform your
chess skills today – your journey to chess mastery starts here.
Enrol Now and Become the Player You've Always Dreamed of Being!
• Video running time: More than 6 hours
• With interactive training including video feedback
• Extra: Training with ChessBase apps – Play key positions against Fritz on various levels
Including download & stream for iPad, tablet etc: can be unlocked with imprinted key
Nick Pert is a chess grandmaster from England who has regularly played
for the England Team in Olympiads and European Team Championships. He is
a former World U18 chess champion and is the current National Head
Coach of the English Chess Federation.
Unlock the secrets of one of
the most resilient and strategic openings in chess with our
comprehensive video course, "The Caro-Kann Defence." This isn't just
another opening—it's a pathway to controlling the game and
outsmarting your opponents with finesse.
Stay Ahead with Cutting-Edge Theory
Recent advancements in chess
engines have brought new insights and revolutionary changes to the
Caro-Kann Defence. Our expert analysis incorporates these latest trends,
introducing fresh lines, and debunking outdated
theories. You'll gain access to innovative strategies that top
grandmasters are using today.
What You'll Gain
Comprehensive Understanding: Dive deep into the core principles of the Caro-Kann Defence and master its strategic foundation.Practical Insights: Learn the lines and ideas that are currently favoured by top players, ensuring you're always a step ahead.Real-World Success: Gain confidence from knowing these strategies have been proven in world-class tournaments.
Vol.1: 3.d3, Classical (3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nf6), Advanced Variation (3.e5 c5)
Video running time: 4 h 21 minExtra: Training with ChessBase apps – Memorize the opening repertoire and play key positions against Fritz onvarious levels
Including download & stream for iPad, tablet etc: can be unlocked with imprinted key
Unlock the secrets of one of
the most resilient and strategic openings in chess with our
comprehensive video course, "The Caro-Kann Defence." This isn't just
another opening—it's a pathway to controlling the game and
outsmarting your opponents with finesse.
Stay Ahead with Cutting-Edge Theory
Recent advancements in chess
engines have brought new insights and revolutionary changes to the
Caro-Kann Defence. Our expert analysis incorporates these latest trends,
introducing fresh lines, and debunking outdated
theories. You'll gain access to innovative strategies that top
grandmasters are using today.
What You'll Gain
Comprehensive Understanding: Dive deep into the core principles of the Caro-Kann Defence and master its strategic foundation.Practical Insights: Learn the lines and ideas that are currently favoured by top players, ensuring you're always a step ahead.Real-World Success: Gain confidence from knowing these strategies have been proven in world-class tournaments.
Vol.2: Two Knights, Panov, Exchange Variation, Sidelines
Video running time: 5 h 30 minExtra: Training with ChessBase apps – Memorize the opening repertoire and play key positions against Fritz onvarious levelsIncluding download & stream for iPad, tablet etc: can be unlocked with imprinted key
Alvar Alonso Rosell is a renowned Spanish chess
Grandmaster. He became the Spanish champion in 2011, defeating Miguel
Illescas, and has claimed multiple national titles, including the
Catalonia youth championships in
2008 and 2009. Alonso Rosell's notable achievements also include
winning the 5th Sunway Sitges Chess Festival in 2018, surpassing strong
grandmasters like Vassily Ivanchuk and Dmitry Andreikin. He's also a
coach and author. He regularly contributes Opening
Repertoires for the ChessBase Magazine.
Sie mehr Schachpartien durch meisterhaftes Taktikverständnis!
Doppelangriffe, Fesselungen und Abzüge sind die Schlüssel zu Ihrem
Erfolg. Um diese Motive sicher in Ihren Partien anzuwenden, benötigen
Sie zahlreiche einprägsame Übungsbeispiele. Internationaler Meister
Harald Schneider-Zinner hat in der Taktikschule 1 und 2 die wichtigsten
Motivgruppen zusammengefasst und verständlich erklärt. Im dritten Teil
geht es darum, Ihr Können auf die Probe zu stellen und Ihr Wissen weiter
zu vertiefen. Der erfolgreiche Trainer, der über 10 Jahre die
Trainerausbildung in Österreich leitete und mehrere Großmeister sowie
Internationale Meister hervorgebracht hat, hat über 250 neue Beispiele
zusammengestellt. Diese Übungen sind in drei Schwierigkeitsstufen
unterteilt, um Ihnen ein umfassendes Training zu bieten. Nutzen Sie die
Gelegenheit, Ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten zu testen und zu
perfektionieren. Werden Sie zum Taktik-Monster und lassen sich keine
Gelegenheit entgehen einen Vorteil zu bekommen!
Videospielzeit: mehr als 5 Stunden (Deutsch)
Mit 250 Aufgaben
Produkt enthält Freischalt-Key für:
Programm-Download (Installation für Windows und Mac)
ChessBase-Books-Version (Web-Browser)
Stream (Videoportal) für iPad, Tablet, PC, etc.
ChessBase books: Computer (iPad, Tablet, PC, etc.), aktueller Internet-Browser, Internet.
ChessBase Video-Stream: Computer (iPad, Tablet, PC, etc.), aktueller Internet-Browser, Internet.
App-Installation Windows: Windows-PC, Windows 10 oder 11, und Internet. App-Installation auf Mac: Mac OS X und Internet
internationale Meister Harald Schneider-Zinner schöpft aus seiner
15-jährigen Praxis, die ihm zu einem der erfolgreichsten Trainer
Österreichs gemacht hat. Aus seiner „Strategieschule" gingen die
Großmeister und Stützen des Nationalteams Felix Blohberger und Valentin
Dragnev hervor. Als Trainer des Frauen-Nationalteams erzielte er mit
seinen Spielerinnen die größten Erfolge. Über 10 Jahre leitete er die
Trainerausbildung in Österreich.
In My First Chess Opening Repertoire you will learn how to play
the opening. This book gives you a compact and easy-to-learn repertoire
for White, starting with the move 1.e4. And it gives you a similar
repertoire for Black, with answers to all of White's approaches.
For beginners and improvers, for anyone with a rating up to 1200 (or
even higher!), there is probably no better guide than Christof Sielecki,
who has already published four opening books and more than a dozen
courses on the Chessable platform. He knows exactly what his students
need and has indeed received thousands of five-star ratings. The author
strikes the perfect balance between fun, easy to understand and
theoretically sound opening choices. And he keeps it entertaining with
attacking and counterattacking lines!
First you'll learn the general opening principles that will guide you
in any situation - even if your opponent doesn't play the exact moves
in the book. Then you'll learn specific variations that will improve
both your opening play and your general understanding of chess.
With White you will start with 1.e4 and build your repertoire around
timeless opening principles with logical moves that almost play
themselves. With Black, for example, you will study the Sicilian Defence
- an opening that guarantees you the most interesting games and the
most attacking opportunities.
This repertoire will allow you to hit the ground running.
Christof Sielecki is an International Master from
Germany. He has coached chess for many years and runs a popular YouTube
channel called ChessExplained. He won numerous awards with his course on
Chessable and has created three volumes of the Keep it Simple opening
264 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag New in Chess
24,95 €*
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