Keene: Aktive Eröffnungsstrategie 2
Keene: Aktive Eröffnungsstrategie 2 1. Historische Entwicklung der Eröffnungen 2. Bedeutung der Bauern-Strukturen in der Eröffnung3. Pirc-Verteidigung4. Caro-Kann-Verteidigung mit 5. .. e7xf65. Nimzoindische Verteidigung mit 4. e36. Wolga-Benkö-Gambit7. Grünfeld-Indische Verteidigung8. Englische Eröffnung9. Ursprünge und Entwicklung der Englischen Eröffnung10. Psychologie in der Eröffnung 109 Seiten, kartoniert

4,00 €*
Fabel: Einführung in das Problemschach
Aus dem Vorwort: Am 3. März 1975 starb unerwartet der am 20. Oktober 1905 geborene Verfasser dieses Büchleins, Senatspräsident Dr. Karl Fabel, Richter i.R., einer der führenden deutschen Problemkomponisten und -theoretiker. Er widmete sich dem Problem­schach aus Leidenschaft. Obwohl er ein bedeutender Vertreter der »Neudeutschen Schule« war und manche »orthodoxe« Komposition von bleibendem Wert geschaffen hat, galt seine besondere Liebe doch der »verborgenen Blume, die nur der aufmerk­same Wanderer aufspürt, dem es Freude bereitet, auch abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade nach Merkwürdigkeiten Ausschau zu halten«. »Die Grenzen vom orthodoxen Schach zum Märchenschach sind nicht scharf gezogen. Zwischen beiden liegt ein Gebiet, das nur von wenigen Kennern betreten, von vielen Problemfreunden jedoch gemieden wird. Einzüger und Vielzüger, Rochade- und Retro-Aufgaben, dazu mathematische Fragen und Humor in geistreicher Form finden in den normalen Schachspalten kaum Zutritt« - so lautet eine Art problemschachlichen Glaubens­bekenntnisses Fabels. Wir haben unsere Schachecken immer gern seinen geistvollen Problemschöpfungen geöffnet, und seine humorvollen Problemfreunde Gurkenbein und Piepenbrink, denen er manche seiner extravaganten Problemgedanken in den Mund gelegt hat, sollten einmal in einem Sonderbändchen zu Wort kommen. 1943 erschien sein erstes größeres Problemwerk »Kleinkunst« zusammen mit Dr. Maßmann und Palatz, das 150 Miniaturen dieser 3 Komponisten darbot; in der Neuauflage 1963 trat Dr. Speckmann als Vierter hinzu. Dazwischen gab er »Einiges über Schachaufgaben« heraus; der allzu bescheidene Titel läßt nicht vermuten, daß sich dahinter eine Einführung in die Grundbegriffe des Problemschachs und ein Überblick über das Ideengebiet der Neudeutschen Schule verbirgt. Mit der vor­liegenden Neuausgabe dieses verdienstvollen Buches unter dem mit Recht umfas­senderen Titel »Einführung in das Problemschach« wollen wir das Andenken des Verstorbenen ehren und den Problemfreunden einen Dienst erweisen. Sein »Kurioses Schach« (1960) ist eine Fundgrube amüsanter und geistvoller Einfälle. Es bewegt sich in derselben Richtung, die er bereits 1947 mit »Am Rande des Schach­bretts« und 1955 mit »Rund um das Schachbrett« eingeschlagen hatte. Das von der Kritik glänzend aufgenommene Gemeinschaftswerk mit seinen finnischen Freunden Bonsdorff und Riihimaa »Schach und Zahl« liegt in 2. Auflage vor; der jüngst verstorbene Schweizer Schachhistoriker Dr. Blass urteilte darüber: »Es gibt m.E. kein Buch - auf schachlichem oder nichtschachlichem Gebiet -, das auf so kleinem Raum, in so gefälliger Form so viel menschlichen Scharfsinn offenbart«. Dr. Fabel war »Internationaler Schiedsrichter für Schachkompositionen der FIDE« und hatte sich große Verdienste um die Problemistengemeinschaft »Die Schwalbe« erworben. Humor, Reiselust und Unternehmungsgeist zeichneten ihn bis zuletzt aus. Sein 70. Geburtstag stand vor der Tür. Die vielen und vielerlei geplanten Glück­wünsche wurden zu Abschiedsgrüßen. Dr. Werner Lauterbach 80 Seiten, kartoniert

4,00 €*
Nesis/Schulmann: Ungewöhnliche Kräfteverhältnisse
94 Seiten, kartoniert

4,00 €*
Nesis: Die Kunst der Vereinfachung Band 1
Nesis: Die Kunst der Vereinfachung Band 1 I. Über den Zusammenhang zwischen den verschiedenen PartienstadienII. Übergang zum Endspiel zwecks Verwertung eines materiellen VorteilsIII. Übergang zum Endspiel zwecks Verwertung eines positionellen VorteilsIV. Übergang zum Endspiel zwecks VerteidigungV. Typische Probleme beim Übergang zum Endspiel 119 Seiten, kartoniert  

4,00 €*
Lamprecht & Lengwenus: Wie geht eigentlich Damengambit?
“Wie geht eigentlich Damengambit?” fragt sich Fritz & Fertig-Autor Björn Lengwenus und lässt es sich vom Internationalen Meister Frank Lamprecht zeigen. Die neue Chessbase- Eröffnungsreihe “Wie geht eigentlich...?” widmet sich in dieser ersten Folge der immer aktuellen Eröffnung “Damengambit” auf ganz besondere Weise: Schritt für Schritt lernt Björn, wann man den Gambit-Bauern nehmen darf und wann lieber nicht, welches die entscheidenden Felder dieser Eröffnung sind, warum der Springer am Rande nicht immer “Kummer und Schande” bringt u.v.m. Natürlich versteht er nicht alles auf Anhieb, aber Frank hat auf seine vielen Fragen (fast) immer die richtige Antwort parat. Ganz langsam wird so der Weg durch den Variantendschungel vom angenommenen Damengambit bis zur Tschigorin-Verteidigung ergründet und vor allem “der Geist des Damengambits“ vermittelt. Das funktioniert nicht durch stumpfes Lernen von Varianten, sondern durch Ausprobieren, Irren und Verstehen. Eine DVD für alle, die sich schon immer mal gefragt haben: “Wie geht eigentlich Damengambit?” Videospielzeit: 6 Std. 38 min Inhalt: Damengambit nach 1.d4 d5 2.c4 ohne Slawisch und Halbslawisch: Angenommenes Damengambit, Abtauschvariante, Damengambit klassische Hauptvariante, Cambridge- Springs-Variante, Tartakower-Variante und Lasker-Verteidigung, Tarrasch-Verteidigung, Alatortsev-Variante, Ragozin- und Wiener-Variante, Damengambit mit 2...Lf5, Albins- Gegengambit, Chigorin-Verteidigung. Extras: Partien-Datenbank mit Analysen diverser Varianten und “Making of”-Bonustrack. Systemvoraussetzungen Pentium Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte        

14,95 €* 27,90 €* (46.42% gespart)
Nesis: Die Kunst der Vereinfachung Band 3
Nesis: Die Kunst der Vereinfachung Band 3 1. Einleitung 2. Positionelle Voraussetzungen für den Abtausch im komplizierten Endspielen3. Übergang von komplizierten zu einfachen Endspielen bei materiellen Gleichgewicht 4. Übergang von komplizierten zu Turmendspielen 5. Abtausch im Endspiel mit ungleichen Material6. Abtausch im praktischen Endspiel7. Partien zum Studium 108 Seiten, kartoniert  

4,00 €*
Tröstler: Schach-Nokixel – Schachbegriffe von A bis Z humorvoll neu definiert
Tröstler: Schach-Nokixel   Ein lustiges Sprach- und Bildwörterbuch des Schachspiels. Schachbegriffe humorvoll definiert   103 Seiten, kartoniert

4,00 €*
Internationales Dr.-Emanuel-Lasker-Gedenkturnier 1968
Teilnehmer: Istvan Csom, Corvin Radovici, Manfred Schöneberg, Arthur Hennings, Wolfgang Uhlmann, Lutz Espig, Lothar Zinn, David Bronstein, Alexander Saizew, Laszlo Barczany, Rogelio Ortega, Reinhart Fuchs, Alexej Suetin, Dragolub Minic, Ewgeni Wasjukow, Burkhard Malich.Viele Informationen zu Emanuel Lasker, dem Turnier, den einzelnen 15 Runden, Zwischenständen nach jeder Runde, viele komplette aber unkomentierte Partien, Abschlusstabelle, usw.Sieger: Wolfgang Uhlmann, David Bronstein (beide 10,5)103 Seiten, geheftete Blätter in extra gestalteten Schnellhefter, Herausgeber Deutscher Schachbund der DDRSeltenes Sammlerobjekt - kein Umtausch oder Rückgabe, da Angebot im Kundenauftrag

80,00 €*
Varnusz: Neuerungen in Slawisch
Varnusz: Neuerungen in Slawisch

4,00 €*
Lilov: Castled Long - Attacking the King
The best target for an attack is undoubtedly the enemy king – especially if its position is weakened or still in the centre. But what should you do if your opponent has castled long to bring his king to safety? Which pieces should you use to spearhead the attack, how should you weaken his pawn shield, and what are the motifs that you simply have to know? On this DVD, IM Valeri Lilov will mould you into a player well-versed in the art of attack. You will emerge with a knowledge of the sure-fire techniques and strategies that you can use to rip open the opponent’s defences and hunt his king down! In over 20 demonstrative video lectures, Lilov explains the typical schemes of an attack, such as pawn storms, as well as plans which are tailored to the particular characteristics of a position. Another focus is on ways of setting up mate threats. This DVD combines Lilov’s animated presentation style with a selection of first-class games. Let yourself be fascinated and inspired by the attacks of the masters - so that in your next attacking game, it will be you having all the fun! Video running time: 4 hours   System requirements   Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphic card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9 and internet connection for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows 7 or Windows 8, DirectX10 graphic card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or better, 100% DirectX10 compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet connection for program activation.

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Lilov: The Queen´s Gambit Accepted
Flexible plans for Black and strong weapons against the majority of White’s deviations from the main line are presented in an easy-to-understand manner. Most of the key ideas are illustrated with great examples from notable games between famous chess titans including Kasparov, Anand, Petrosian, Smyslov, and Kharlov. In this DVD, FM Lilov will teach you a plan for Black with a6, b5, Bb7, Nbd7 and c5, which is one of the best ways to meet White’s Queen’s Gambit. For those of you who like to experiment more in the opening, the FIDE Master has prepared a creative plan with Bg4. Video running time: 4 h 23 min.   FM Valeri Lilov also known as Tiger Lilov is probably the one who once taught you chess and you still remember those little things that come to your mind when you most need them. Today, he is one of the most famous and quality online chess coaches that you will see on virtually all major chess websites on the internet. His balanced style of play and constant striving for improvement have both shaped his deep knowledge of chess theory, which he is about to demonstrate to you in his first high quality DVD for ChessBase.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 27,50 €* (45.64% gespart)
Lilov: Attacking a King which has castled short
Every chess coach preaches that attacking a stranded king in the center is the easiest thing to do, but how about attacking a king which has already castled? More often than not kings hide on the kingside, right? So, that’s a good reason for you to know how to attack a king which has castled short. FM Valeri Lilov is glad to help you in this tricky business! His DVD focuses on a number fool-proof plans and techniques for successfully destroying the enemy’s fortress to bring the opponent’s king to justice! In a number of very instructive lectures, FM Lilov discusses g7 and h7 sacrifices, as well as various plans and ideas typical for certain positional setups, including opening the f-file and destroying the pawn bastions in front of the king. In addition, Valeri skillfully presents some of the most effective techniques for creating checkmating threats for the opponent. His presentation will often leave you with a lasting impression from the splendid examples Valeri has carefully selected to illustrate his points. Now it’s time to enjoy the art of chess with FM Valeri Lilov! Video running time: 3 h 59 min       System requirements   Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard    

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Lilov: Opening Repertoire for the positional Player
Do you like positional chess? Have you ever dreamed of playing the most stable openings that leave your tactical opponent with nothing but a cramped position? In this DVD, FM Valeri Lilov will present you with a complete opening repertoire for both White and Black, consisting of various solid opening systems leading to stable and flexible positions and providing many opportunities for intricate manoeuvring and creative planning! Some of these great openings include certain lines in the English Opening and the Queen’s Gambit, as well as whole opening systems like the Torre Attack for White. On the other hand, the Classical Variation and the Bronstein-Larsen Variation in the Caro-Kann are two of the many great lines FM Lilov has selected for Black. Let one of the best coaches on the internet guide you through the maze of positional chess where none of your tactical opponents’ tricks will work! Learn how to take advantage of your positional style of play with the help of the Tiger. Video running time: 4 h 00 min       System requirements   Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard    

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Lilov: Flank Attacks
The flank attack is one of those sneaky ways of surrounding your opponent’s forces and getting to your target fast! So, do we really need to master flank attacks to use them or protect ourselves rom them effectively? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” In this DVD, FM Valeri Lilov dwells on the importance of understanding flank attacks by presenting a number of concepts and typical scenarios with which a master of the flank attack should be familiar. The role of the centre during a flank attack and the typical patterns you should recognise before correctly initiating a flank attack are some of the themes the author explains and illustrates with good examples taken from the best games of renowned chess masters such as Alekhine and Capablanca. On the other hand, the FIDE master also teaches how to thwart your opponent’s flank attacks in different positions and the golden rule to know when you are on the defensive. This DVD gives the answers to all these questions and more! Video running time: 4 hours   System requirements   Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Martin: First Steps in Endgames
Overall standards in chess have risen dramatically. Gone are the days of slow time limits and adjournments. The modern game is sportlike and usually demands completion in one session. This means that good endgame technique is more important than ever before. Nobody can help you at the board; you must help yourself! First Steps in the Endgame introduces a framework, which will assist club players to become better at chess. It is particularly suitable for players under 1600 or young players, wishing to make a mark. Key ideas are presented to guide the student in the right direction. If you wish to become a strong chess player, you must study the endgame. It really is as simple as that. Video running time: 3 hrs. 12 min System requirements Pentium-Processor at 1 Ghz or higher, 512 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Martin: Enter 1. f4 - Bird´s Opening
There seems very little room to create new opening ideas in 2010 and the creative competitor must work hard to find new approaches which help to win games. Enter 1.f4, Bird’s Opening! 1.f4 has hardly been given comprehensive coverage in the textbooks and on this new ChessBase DVD, International Master and Senior FIDE Trainer Andrew Martin examines this ‘last frontier’ of sound and original opening play. A repertoire is suggested for White, a little off the beaten track, where the emphasis is on setting new problems for the opponent and putting Black under pressure to find original solutions, right from move one! There can be no doubt that 1.d4 always provides entertainment and interesting positions. If the opening is mastered it will produce excellent results over the board. Back in the late seventies and eighties it was the Trompowsky Opening (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5) which was giving Black a serious headache. Will 1.f4 continue in the same tradition in 2010 and beyond? Video running time: 3 hours. International Master Andrew Martin is 52 years old. He is a Senior FIDE Trainer and Manager of Coaching for the English Chess Federation. System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Martin: The Trompowsky the Easy Way 2nd Edition
Thirty years ago the Trompowski opening was almost totally unknown. It took a few spectacular games by Rafael Vaganian to bring 2 Bg5 into the limelight, and after that, the die was cast. Today 1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 is used by many of the best players in the world and a whole body of complicated theory has built up. In this fascinating DVD, International Master Andrew Martin traces the history of the opening from those early days, through the ‘golden age’ of the late 1980’s and 1990’s, and shows how the theory and ideas have evolved into the sharp and dangerous weapon that the Trompowski undoubtedly is today. Martin simplifi es the theory of 2005 and creates an easy to understand repertoire for the White player that recaptures the pioneering spirit of those early days...with interest! He argues conclusively that 2 Bg5 can still lead to original chess. Games from Vaganian, Hodgson, Bellon, Miladanovic, McShane, Ivanchuk and a whole cast of excellent players help to demonstrate why.   Andrew Martin is 47 years old and lives in Sandhurst, England, with his wife and four children. He has written several best-selling chess books, includingthe recent ‘King’s Indian Battle Plans’ and ‘Secret Weapons’. He writes for and has several monthly columns at, and for CHESS magazine. He is a noted trainer and coach.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM,Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Media Player 9.0, DVD drive

14,95 €* 27,50 €* (45.64% gespart)
Martin: The ABC of Alekhine 2nd Edition
In 2007 we viewed Alekhine’s Defence as an excellent opening to play if Black wants to gofor the win and four years later this has not changed. If anything, more Grandmasters areusing the opening today. Black gets a tough and resilient position with ample opportunityfor counterchances. With 1...Nf6 he immediately throws down the gauntlet to the pawn on e4 and tries to take the initiative from the very first moves. This is a particularly effective game-plan at club level, where knowledge of exact theory is sketchy and where a passive response to immediate aggression is commonplace.So in the fully updated ABC of the Alekhine, we take a look at how the opening stands in 2011. 1...Nf6 seems to have a bright and enduring future. IM Andrew Martin provides sound, active recommendations for Black, modified if necessary to account for the passing of time and which can be used at all levels of play. To underestimate Alekhine‘s Defence would be a big mistake indeed!Video running time: 7 h 30 min! Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 27,91 €* (46.43% gespart)
Martin: The Scandinavian the Easy Way 2nd Edition
It’s easy-to-learn and easy-to-play. Here is an opening for Black which will furnish good results in the shortest possible time. Which other opening could we be referring to apart from the Scandinavian or Centre-Counter Defence; 1 e4 d5 ! International Master Andrew Martin has written extensively on the Centre-Counter and here he turns his attention to 1 e4 d5 2 exd5 Qxd5 3 Nc3 Qd6!? Playing fl at out for the win against 1 e4 is never easy, but here we encounter a variation where Black can do just that! All relevant second and third move alternatives for White are covered too! This DVD will be a boon to all chessplayers,but particularly to the busy person with limited time for study or those who wish to incorporate a new defence into their Black repertoire with the minimum possible hassle. This really is the Scandinavian – the easy way! Andrew Martin is 47 years old and lives in Sandhurst, England, with his wife and four children. He has written several best-selling chess books, including the recent ‘King’s Indian Battle Plans’ and ‘Secret Weapons’. He writes for and has several monthly columns at, and for CHESS magazine. He is a noted trainer and coach.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Media Player 9.0, DVD drive

14,95 €* 27,50 €* (45.64% gespart)
Martin: The ABC of the Ruy Lopez 2nd Edition
The venerable Ruy Lopez is one of the most interesting of chess openings. In this diverse and instructive DVD, International Master Andrew Martin explains how the opening works, with the help of mostly recent, complete master games, although there are some classics too! The most important ideas are highlighted and there are some repertoire suggestions too, all presented in the light, easy, relaxed style for which this author is noted. Intro 19:12 min. Sustained Pressure 12:54 min. Simplicity 08:36 min. Solidity 9:50 min. The Lopez Grip 12:58 min. Black tries to smash the Ruy Lopez 10:40 min. Intro to Theory and Berlin 11:38 min. Berlin 1 5:14 min. Berlin 2 6:15 min. Schliemann 16:55 min. Bird 9:19 min. Cozio 12:19 min. The Smyslov Variation 14:55 min. The Classical Variation 10:50 min. Berlin Classical 6:28 min. Chase Variation 8:57 min. Steinitz Deferred 9:28 min. Main Line 1 9:06 min. Main Line 2 7:09 min. Main Line 3 9:49 min. Outro 0:48 min. Total Running time: 3 hours 33 min. Andrew Martin is 47 years old and lives in Sandhurst, England, with his wife and four children. He has written several best-selling chess books, including the recent ‘King’s Indian Battle Plans’ and ‘Secret Weapons’. He writes for and has several monthly columns at, and for CHESS magazine. He is a noted trainer and coach. System requirements: PC 233, 64 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, sound card, mouse, Windows XP, 2000, Me, 98 SE, Windows Media Player 9. Attention: this course is a supplementary program for Fritz8 and can only be run if the chess program Fritz8, Shredder8, Junior8, Hiarcs9 or Tiger15 is installed on the PC. Neither Fritz8, ChessBase 9.0, Shredder8, Junior8, Hiarcs9 or Tiger15 is supplied with this training course. Nur auf Englisch lieferbar! << />

14,95 €* 27,50 €* (45.64% gespart)
Martin: The ABC of the Benko Gambit
The Benko Gambit is one of the most profound contributions to opening theory of the 20th century.   Black sacrifices a pawn as early as move three for enduring positional pressure. On this new ChessBase DVD, International Master Andrew Martin traces the history of the gambit from the games of Opocensky, Lundin and Stoltz back in the 1930s, through the golden age of Bronstein, Benko and Browne all the way to the present day, where the gambit is as popular as ever. Martin describes the main themes and ideas of the gambit and gives sound guide lines, so that any one who wants to play for the initiative with Black and play the Benko Gambit, will be very well equipped. Do you want to play for the initiative with Black? Then the Benko Gambit is surely for you. The DVD contains 6 hours video lessons, the latest ChessBase 9.0 Reader as well as an unannotated database of the contents. The 2010 update includes many recent games from top-class play and produces a balanced portrait of how the gambit stands today. Critical lines such as the Fianchetto variation with an early Rb1 are examined closely and Black is found to be in good shape. The Benko Gambit seems as playable as ever! Video running time: 6 hours    

14,95 €* 29,90 €* (50% gespart)
Martin: The ABC of the King‘s Indian 2nd Edition
On this original and entertaining DVD, International Master Andrew Martin takes you on a guided tour of this fascinating and creative opening. Through the use of complete games, both classic and modern and some repertoire suggestions Martin paints a comprehensive picture of the current state of play and looks towards the future. In the new, expanded 2nd edition there are many recent clashes and some remarkable modern ideas are discussed. The King’s Indian is as uncompromising and resilient as ever! This DVD will inspire all players anddemonstrate that the King‘s Indian is very much alive on the modern master scene. Video running time: 5 hours IM Andrew Martin is 50 years old and is the manager of Coaching for the English Chess Federation. This is his 16th DVD for ChessBase. System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher 64 MB RAM Windows XP ®, Windows Vista ® DVD drive mouse soundcard

14,95 €* 27,50 €* (45.64% gespart)
Mikhalchishin: Winning Structures
Great players always had and still have more than just broad theoretical knowledge. Every of them has some favourite methods, which simply help to score more points. The greatest even have favourite pawn structures! And they immediately exploited the knowledge of others - Alekhine invented some interesting structures, which were copied by his opponent in that game (Rubinstein), and later exploited by Botvinnik and then by Kramnik! The most popular type of central pawn structure is the isolated pawn. All classical players employed this structure at very high level, because it was and is considered a must for grandmasters. And the great Tarrasch said - “Who is afraid of the Isolani, those have to stop chess!” We can say the same about other structures! Video running time: 5 hrs.   Adrian Mikhalchishin, a Grandmaster since 1978, is currently among the top 5 world trainers and the Chairman of the FIDE Trainers’ Commission. He trained the team of USSR in 1980’s, national teams of Slovenia, Poland and the Netherlands, and was the trainer of Anatoly Karpov (1980-1986), trained Zsuzsa Polgar, Alexander Beliavsky, Maja Chiburdanidze, Arkadij Naiditsch and Vassily Ivanchuk.   This Fritztrainer is also running under Pocket Fritz 3 and Pocket Fritz 4.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 29,90 €* (50% gespart)
Mikhalchishin: Strategy University Vol 1: The Central Approach
The centre is the most important part of the battlefi eld. In chess we study various different kinds of centre, some special forms of which were already discussed on the DVD ‘Winning Structures’. But in chess literature we have a huge lack of educational material on the role of the centre and on the power of pawns and pieces in the centre. And the most important part which is missing - how to change the pawn structure in the centre. This is really the knowledge which marks out the champions, and on this DVD with the help of classical games played by Botvinnik, Fischer, Rubinstein, Steinitz, Tal amongst others the author explains all these important problems. Video running time: 3 hrs 50 min.   System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard

14,95 €* 29,90 €* (50% gespart)