Karolyi: Boris Spasskys Best Games 1 - The Rising Star 1948-1968
Boris Spassky is the most underappreciated World Champion in chess history, remembered as the Soviet who lost to Bobby Fischer in 1972. In this two-volume work, biographer extraordinaire Tibor Karolyi puts the focus on Spassky’s brilliant career and life story. Born in 1937, Spassky barely escaped with his life when evacuating from the Siege of Leningrad as a young boy. This book tells the story of how that boy subsequently learned to play chess and rose through the Soviet ranks to become the strongest player in the world in the late 1960s. International Master Tibor Karolyi is a renowned author and trainer from Hungary. His biographical works for Quality Chess have received glowing praise from readers and reviewers. “It feels a little bit like overdoing things to give 5 stars to a set of three books [about Tal], but if any Best Games collection has ever deserved it, then this one has! Don’t waste any time: get down to the bookshop and enjoy!” GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess   “Karolyi spent several years studying his protagonist. He delivers a fascinating account of Karpov’s skills.” GM Lubomir Kavalek 344 Seiten, gebunden, Verlag Quality Chess

32,95 €*
Karolyi: The Road to Reykjavik
Robert James Fischer is one of the greatest and most celebrated players in chess history. Exactly fifty years since the American won the right to challenge Boris Spassky for the World Championship crown, Tibor Karolyi documents Fischer’s unique journey from precocious youngster to the chess icon who obliterated Taimanov and Larsen before convincingly beating Petrosian on The Road to Reykjavik. The second volume, Fischer – Spassky 1972, is devoted to the Reykjavik match which captivated the entire world. International Master Tibor Karolyi is a former Hungarian Champion who is renowned as both an author and a trainer. His previous biographical works for Quality Chess received glowing praise from chess readers and reviewers. 432 Seiten, gebunden, Verlag Quality Chess

29,95 €*
Karolyi: Endgames Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen - His Extraordinary Skills Ucovered and Explained
The secrets of Magnus Carlsen’s endgame technique Magnus Carlsen’s brilliant endgame play has been one of the key reasons for his success. At the age of 13 the Norwegian became the youngest grandmaster in the world, at 19 the youngest number one in the FIDE world rankings, and at 22 the second youngest World Champion in history.With his fine technique, great inventiveness and iron determination Magnus has won countless endgame positions in which almost everyone else would have settled for a draw. He also has saved endgames that seemed impossible to hold.International Master Tibor Karolyi has studied Carlsen’s career and has selected more than 90 of his best endgames for this book. He reviews them in chronological order to show how Magnus developed his skills. His technique and his choices are explained in a manner that is easy to understand for club players.Endgame Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen is a highly instructive, inspiring and entertaining book. It will help you to appreciate Magnus’ endgame magic and shows you how to become a better endgame player yourself. 267 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag New in Chess

22,95 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 1
Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow Die Idee von Garri Kasparow ist faszinierend: Eine Zeitreise in die letzten 200 Jahre Schachgeschichte! Sein im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes Jahrhundertwerk hält, was es verspricht, denn es erzählt unglaublich originell vom Schicksal der großen Schachmeister und dem erbitterten Kampf um die Schachkrone. Seine ganz persönliche Sicht der Dinge garantiert damit nicht nur den ca. 100.000 im deutschen Sprachraum organisierten Schachspielern Hochspannung. Wilhelm Steinitz (Weltmeister von 1886 bis 1894) – Der 1836 in Prag geborene Wilhelm Steinitz zog als junger Mann nach Wien, um Mathematik zu studieren, widmete sich dann aber ganz dem Schach. Er schuf die Grundlagen der modemen Schachstrategie und war davon überzeugt, dass alle Probleme, die am Brett entstehen, mit wissenschaftlichem Denken gelöst werden können. Steinitz starb 1900 in New York. Emanuel Lasker (1894 bis 1921) – 1885 in Brandenburg geboren gilt Emanuel Lasker als der Pionier der Schachpsychologie. Der Doktor der Mathematik und Philosophie war im Schach auch als Psychologe ein Meister. Seine Vielseitigkeit, sein Sinn für die Schachtheorie und seine kämpferische Einstellung halfen ihm, fast alle Matches und Turniere zu gewinnen, an denen er teilnahm. 1941 starb Lasker in New York. 246 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

19,95 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 2
Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow José Raoul Capablanca (1921 bis 1927) – Der Kubaner, geboren 1888, galt als begnadeter Spieler, dem mit Leichtigkeit gelang, was sich andere hart erarbeiten mussten. Traumwandlerisch sicher wusste er in jeder Stellung, auf welche Felder die Figuren gehören und war kaum zu schlagen. Das Publikum mochte ihn aber auch als Darling der Frauen und liebte sein kultiviertes Auftreten und seinen extravaganten Lebensstil. 1942 starb er in New York. Alexander Aljechin (1927 bis 1935, 1937 bis 1946) – Alexander Aljechins charakterliche Eigenschaften waren umstritten, aber sein Schachgenie bewunderten alle. Der 1892 geborene Dr. jur. entstammte einer russischen Adelsfamilie, war zaristischer Gardeoffizier und seit seiner Kindheit von einer unbändigen Leidenschaft für das Schach beherrscht. Seine intensive Vorbereitung auf den Gegner, seine reiche kombinatorische Fantasie und sein Wille, den Gegner zu vernichten, machten ihn zu einem der ganz Großen am Brett wie in der Schachtheorie. Aljechin starb 1946 in Portugal, als einziger der Weltmeister unenthront. Max Euwe (1935 bis 1937) – 1901 in Amsterdam geboren, machte der Mathematikprofessor Max Euwe nie einen Hehl daraus, dass andere Spieler über mehr Schachtalent verfügten als er. Euwe war ein Pragmatiker, der sich alles aneignete, was über Schach veröffentlicht worden war. Er verstand sich als hingebungsvoller Amateur und setzte sich von 1970 bis 1978 als Präsident des Weltschachbundes Fide auch politisch für das Schach ein. Euwe starb 1981. 388 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

19,95 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 3
Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow Michail Botwinnik (1948 bis 1957, 1958 bis 1960, 1961 bis 1963) – 1911 in St. Petersburg geboren, war Michail Botwinnik seit seiner Jugend ein überzeugter Kommunist, der es später verstand, sich bestens mit dem Stalin-Regime zu arrangieren. Als Professor der Elektrotechnik beschäftigte er sich auch mit Computerschach, doch berühmt wurde der Patriarch, wie ihn alle nannten, als Begründer der legendären Sowjetischen Schachschule, in die er raffiniertes Eröffnungswissen, exzellente Endspieltechnik und die Kunst der psychologischen Vorbereitung einbrachte. Botwinnnik starb 1995 in Moskau. 184 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

19,95 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 4
Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow Wassili Smyslow (1957 bis 1958) – Im Gegensatz zu Botwinnik wirkt der positionelle Schachstil Wassili Smyslows leicht und anmutig. 1921 in Moskau geboren, hat er sich auch nie dem Kornmunismus verschrieben, sondem eine Religiosität bewahrt, die das Wiederaufleben der russischen Orthodoxie vorwegnahm. Als Sänger, der es beinahe in die Bolschoi-Oper geschafft hätte, weiß er, wovon er spricht, wenn er sagt: „Der Schachkünstler muss breit und kreativ nach neuen Wegen suchen“. Smyslow lebt in Moskau. Michail Tal (1960 bis 1961) – Haarsträubende Kombinationen, spektakuläre Opfer und großen Humor zeichnen die Karriere von Michail Tal aus, der 1936 in Riga geboren wurde. 23-jährig wurde er 1960 jüngster Weltmeister, verlor den Titel aber umgehend wieder an Botwinnik. Trotz schwacher Gesundheit kostete Tal sein Leben exzessiv aus und begeisterte die Schachfans noch kurz vor seinem Tod 1992 mit seinen unerreichten Künsten im Blitzschach. 244 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

19,95 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 5
Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow Tigran Petrosjan, (1963 bis 1969) – Als perfekter Sohn seiner Zeit übertraf Tigran Petrosjan selbst Botwinnik in Konformismus, Reserviertheit und Vorsicht, den weit verbreiteten Tugenden der damaligen Sowjetmenschen. 1929 in Tiflis geboren und in armen Verhältnissen aufgewachsen fand er dank Talent und Besonnenheit, den in seiner Epoche genau richtigen Eigenschaften, seinen Weg zum Ruhm als Weltmeister. Petrosjan starb 1984. Boris Spasski (1969 bis 1972) – Geboren 1937 in Leningrad, gehört Boris Spasski zu den größten Naturtalenten in der Geschichte des Schachs. In seiner besten Zeit war er ein Meister des glamourösen Angriffs. Nach der WM-Niederlage gegen Bobby Fischer fiel der Gentleman mit schauspielerischem Auftreten in Ungnade, bewahrte sich aber seine Unabhängigkeit und emigrierte nach Frankreich, wo er, zurückgezogen vom Turnierbetrieb, noch immer lebt. 304 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

19,95 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 6
Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow Robert James Fischer, geboren 1943 in Chicago, gilt als der rastloseste und rätselhafteste König des Schachs. Der energische Stil des einstigen Wunderkindes glich dem „eines Mörders auf dem Schachbrett“: eine ungeheure Zielstrebigkeit und ein ungestümer Drang, alles aus dem Weg zu räumen, was sich ihm entgegenstellt. Im Alleingang bezwang er die gesamte sowjetische Schachelite, was ihn vor allem in den USA in der Zeit des Kalten Krieges zum bewunderten Held machte. In diesem Band würdigt der Autor ferner Samuel Reshevsky, Miguel Najdorf und Bent Larsen, die für die Entwicklung des Schachs eine große Rolle spielten. 504 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

25,00 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 7
Die bedeutendsten Partien der besten Schachspieler aller Zeiten, analysiert von Garri Kasparow Der siebte Band, der dem zwölften Weltmeister Anatoli Karpow und seinem historischen Gegner Viktor Kortschnoi gewidmet ist, bildet den krönenden Abschluss des Jahrhundertwerkes von Garri Kasparow „Meine großen Vorkämpfer…“ Der 13. Champion der Schachgeschichte untersucht dabei gründlich die einzigartigen Qualitäten seines Vorgängers, der die Schachkrone von 1975–1985 trug und fast ein Vierteljahrhundert an der Spitze der Schachwelt oder nur einen Schritt davon entfernt stand. Einen enormen Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Königlichen Spiels hat auch Viktor Kortschnoi geleistet, dessen dramatische Schlachten mit Karpow, insbesondere das Match in Baguio 1978, im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes Schachgeschichte schrieben. 494 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

25,00 €*
Kasparow: Meine großen Vorkämpfer Band 1 bis 7
Das Jahrhundertwerk für alle ­Schach­freunde jetzt als Sonderausgabe in Paperback! Dieses Jahrhundertwerk des 13. Weltmeisters mit seinen faszinierenden Analysen der bedeutendsten Partien der besten Spieler aller Zeiten ist die Einladung zu einer Zeitreise in die letzten 200 Jahre Schachgeschichte. 2366 Seiten in 7 Bänden, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms

99,00 €*
King: Sultan Khan - The Indian Servant
Free Interactive eBook included! As an introductory offer, the eBook is included when you buy the paperback or hardcover edition. Offer valid until April 30. Hardly anyone paid attention when Sultan Khan arrived in London on April 26, 1929. A humble servant from a village in the Punjab, Khan had little formal education and barely spoke English. He had learned the rules of Western chess only three years earlier, yet within a few months he created a sensation by becoming the British Empire champion.  Sultan Khan was taken to England by Sir Umar Hayat Khan, an Indian nobleman and politician who used his servant’s successes to promote his own interests in the turbulent years before India gained independence. Sultan Khan remained in Europe for the best part of five years, competing with the leading chess players of the era, including World Champion Alexander Alekhine and former World Champion Jose Raoul Capablanca. His unorthodox style often stunned his opponents, as Daniel King explains in his examination of the key games and tournaments in Khan’s career. Daniel King has uncovered a wealth of new facts about Khan, as well as dozens of previously unknown games. For the first time he tells the full story of how Khan, a Muslim outsider, was received in Europe, of his successes in the chess world and his return to obscurity after his departure for India in 1933. Daniel King (1963) is an English chess grandmaster, coach, journalist and broadcaster. He has written 16 chess books on topics ranging from opening preparation to the self-tutoring How Good is your Chess? and How to Win at Chess. 384 Seiten, gebunden, Verlag New in Chess

37,50 €*
Kingston: Emanuel Lasker - A Reader
 "I do not accept an absolute limit to my knowledge. I have a zeal to understand that refuses to die."— Emanuel Lasker, 1919  Among great chess masters, Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941) stands unique for the depth and broad scope of his intellect. Most of the game’s world champions have been single-mindedly chess-obsessed, with few outside interests. Lasker, however, was very much a polymath, making major contributions to mathematics and philosophy, plus writing on many other subjects: science, politics, economics, sociology, board games other than chess, etc. All while retaining his chess crown for nearly 27 years, and ranking among the world’s top ten for over four decades. In this book you get a unique look at Lasker himself – both intellectually and emotionally – through a wide-ranging sampling of his works, with an emphasis on chess but also including much on other topics. A partial list:    Lasker’s magazine London Chess Fortnightly (1892-93)    The Hastings 1895 tournament book    Common Sense in Chess (1896)    Lasker’s Chess Magazine (1904-1909)    A memorial tribute to Pillsbury, from The Chess Player’s Scrapbook (1906)    Full coverage of the 1907 Lasker-Marshall and 1908 Lasker-Tarrasch World                         Championship  matches    The St. Petersburg 1909 tournament book    Lasker’s and Capablanca’s books on their 1921 title match    The discussion of the theory of Steinitz from Lasker’s Manual of Chess    An examination of Lasker’s endgame instruction and studies by GM Karsten Müller    Summaries of and extensive excerpts from two of Lasker’s philosophical works, Struggle     (1907) and Die Philosophie des Unvollendbar (The Philosophy of the Unattainable,              1919), and his forgotten sociological rarity, The Community of the Future (1940)    A discussion of Lasker’s mathematical works by Dr. Ingo Althöfer of Jena University    A look at Lasca, a checkers-like game invented by Lasker You are invited to enter the mind of this wide-ranging, insightful and outspoken intellect. Lasker was not always right, any more than he always won at the chess board, but he was always interesting. Taylor Kingston has been a chess enthusiast since his teens. He holds a Class A over-the-board USCF rating, and was a correspondence master in the 1980s, but his greatest love is the game’s history. His historical articles have appeared in Chess Life, New In Chess, Inside Chess, Kingpin, and the Chess Café website. He has edited numerous books, including the 21st-century edition of Lasker’s Manual of Chess, and translations from Spanish of The Life and Games of Carlos Torre, Zurich 1953: 15 Contenders for the World Championship, and Najdorf x Najdorf. He considers the Lasker Reader to be the most challenging and interesting project he has undertaken to date. 400 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Russell

34,95 €*
Konikowski & Schulenburg: Tigran Petrosjan
Reihe: "Meilensteine des Schach" Band 13 Tigran Petrosjan (*1929 †1984) wurde 1963 durch seinen Sieg über den Giganten Mikhail Botwinnik zum neunten Weltmeister in der Geschichte des Schachspiels. Er wehrte eine Herausforderung des deutlich jüngeren Boris Spasski ab, bevor er im Jahr 1969 die Krone an diesen abtreten musste. Über drei Jahrzehnte hinweg gehörte er zur absoluten Weltspitze und belegte noch zwei Jahre vor seinem allzu frühen Tod  beste Platzierungen bei Spitzenturnieren. Mit nur 55 Jahren verstarb Tigran Petrosjan in Moskau an einem Krebsleiden. In diesem einzigen deutschsprachigen Buch über den herausragenden Armenier wird nicht nur sein Lebensweg und seine Schachkarriere nachgezeichnet, sondern 70 seiner Partien werden in großer Ausführlichkeit analysiert und kommentiert. Dabei wurde eine Auswahl von 20 eher positionellen und 20 eher taktischen Beispielen getroffen und durch 30 weitere seiner berühmtesten Partien ergänzt. Nach der Lektüre wird der Leser vielleicht nachvollziehen können, warum selbst Botwinnik, der ja seine Gegner auch  schachpsychologisch zu durchleuchten verstand, es letztlich nicht vermochte, mit Petrosjans einzigartigem Stil zurechtzukommen. Dieses Buch mit seinen vielen kommentierten Partien ist eine Fundgrube für jeden Spieler – sei es zum Lernen oder Üben, sei es, um sich besser mit der Schachgeschichte vertraut zu machen, oder sei es, um ganz einfach nur bestens unterhalten zu werden.   In der Reihe Meilensteine des Schach bewahrt der Beyer-Verlag lange vergriffene Bücher über große Meister des Schachspiels und bedeutende Turniere der Vergangenheit vor dem Vergessen, um sie auch für kommende Generationen von Schachspielern zu erhalten.   140 Seiten, kartoniert, Joachim Beyer Verlag

19,80 €*
Kortschnoi: Meine besten Kämpfe – Jubiläumsausgabe
Viktor Kortschnoi zählt sicher zu den größten Persönlichkeiten der Schachgeschichte. Seit fast 60 Jahren ist seine aggressive Spielweise gefürchtet, und für viele Schachfreunde ist Viktor Kortschnoi Vorbild. Diese aktualisierte und erweiterte Jubiläumsausgabe erscheint anläßlich seines 80. Geburtstages am 23. März 2011. Aus dem Vorwort des Autors: "Für den vorliegenden ersten Band habe ich fünfzig Siege mit Weiß kommentiert, Band zwei enthält fünfzig Siege mit Schwarz. Ein junger Großmeister müsste sich wahrscheinlich den Kopf zerbrechen, woher er hundert vorzeigbare Gewinnpartien überhaupt nehmen soll. Ich hatte hundert Partien auszuwählen aus rund zweitausend, die ich in meiner Karriere gewonnen habe. Die Partien stammen aus einem halben Jahrhundert - vom Jahr 1951 bis 2000. Sie sollten über diese Periode mehr oder weniger gleichmäßig verteilt sein.Ich habe gegen vier Generationen von Meistern und Großmeistern gespielt. Mein zweites Kriterium war, Partien gegen alle vier Generationen und möglichst viele Gegner zu zeigen. Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte spielte ich zahlreiche Eröffnungen. Schach ist reich an Möglichkeiten und Details, und das wollte ich auch berücksichtigen. Keine Wiederholungen - je abwechslungsreicher die Stellungen, desto besser! Erst an vierter Stelle stand für mich die Qualität der Partien. Sie sollten natürlich wenig grobe Fehler enthalten, vor allem nicht von meiner Seite. Doch es sollten Kampfpartien sein, keine einseitigen Angelegenheiten, und dabei sind Fehler unvermeidlich. Wenn eine Partie keine Gelegenheit bot, dem Leser etwas zu offenbaren, habe ich sie nicht aufgenommen, gleichgültig wie gut sie auch war." Seit fast einem halben Jahrhundert zählt der Großmeister Viktor Kortschnoi zu den führenden Schachspielern der Welt. Sein Kampfgeist ist selbst als über 70-jähriger ungebrochen, und für viele Schachfreunde ist Viktor Kortschnoi Vorbild. Dieser zweite Band präsentiert seine besten 50 Partien mit Schwarz quer durch seine beeindruckende Karriere als einer der erfolgreichsten Turnierspieler aller Zeiten.Kortschnois aufrichtige, detaillierte und instruktive Anmerkungen sind ein wahrer Genuß für alle Schachfreunde. Kortschnois beste Partien mit Weiß sind bereits als Band 1 erschienen. Seine Biographie "Mein Leben für das Schach" ist als Band 3 in Vorbereitung.British Chess Magazine im November 2001: "Natürlich ist das ein überragendes Buch. Es ist nicht nötig diese Lobpreisung zu wiederholen; machen Sie es sich bequem und geniessen Sie Kortschnois Kommentare ..." 432 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Edition Olms  

19,95 €*
Kotronias& Logothetis: Carlsen´s assault on the Throne
In 2013 chess returned to world headlines. The energetic Norwegian prodigy Magnus Carlsen was front page news and his fans were not disappointed: the World Number 1 won the World Championship.   Carlsen’s Assault on the Throne gives an inside view of Carlsen’s dramatic journey: from one of eight challengers in the London Candidates tournament, with the near disaster in the final rounds, ending with triumph in Chennai.   With behind-the-scenes stories and top-level analysis of the games Kotronias & Logothetis have written the ultimate book on how Carlsen became the 16th undisputed World Champion.   Vassilios Kotronias is a grandmaster and nine-time Greek Champion. He is a key member of the Greek team as both a player and coach.Sotiris Logothetis is a computer expert and highly-regarded arbiter and organiser.   304 Seiten, gebunden, Verlag Quality Chess

29,95 €*
Kravtsiv: Magnus Carlsen´s most instructive games
Magnus Carlsen is the greatest chess player of the 21st century. His tactical wizardry, strategic inventiveness, technical expertise and legendary fighting spirit put him head and shoulders above all other players. They also make his games tremendously instructive. To extract the best lessons from this amazing source material, Gambit has commissioned Martyn Kravtsiv, a Ukrainian grandmaster from the same generation as Carlsen (in fact, they were born just a few days apart). He has annotated these 42 games from a thoroughly modern perspective and with an innate understanding of the impact Carlsen’s play has had on modern chess. In each game Kravtsiv picks out a key point – the Magnus Moment – where Carlsen demonstrates the special insight that sets him apart from other players. Perhaps he clarifies a messy situation, confident in his technical ability. Or sacrifices to gain practical chances in a game that has not gone to plan. Throughout, the emphasis is on how Carlsen makes life hard for his opponents in any way he can, whatever the objective assessment of the position on the board. Each game is a themed lesson on an important chess topic. The bulk of the book addresses the fight for advantage and initiative in the middlegame, but there are also chapters focusing on opening ideas, endgame play and human factors. Martyn Kravtsiv is a grandmaster from Lviv, Ukraine. His tournament results include tied first places at Cappelle in 2012 and the 2015 Ukrainian Championship. He represented his country at the 2017 World Team Championship and was a coach for the team that won silver medals at the 2016 Olympiad. 176 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Gambit

19,80 €*
Kuzmin: Together with Mamedyarov
The book that you are holding in your hands is a continuation of the famous Kuzmin series. The two prior books concerning the chess creativity of Alexander Morozevich and participants in the Candidates tournaments was written for rather experienced players. That last book on the Candidates recently won the FIDE Chess Book Award of the Year 2018. This book is different in that "Together With Mamdeyarov" has been written primarily for chess players with an Elo ranging 1400-2100. While working on the book I followed two objectives. First to help the players? improvement and secondly to closer acquaint the readers with the creativity of one of the brightest contemporary grandmasters. If I were to characterize Mamedyarov?s play in one word I would use the adjective ?powerful? and if I were to use two words, then perhaps ?power chess?. Namely this energy and power are the dominants of his creativity with his opening preparation being only a supplementing factor. This book is not a collection of his selected games but it is primarily a study-book. It contains test positions taken from games of the famous Azeri grandmaster with detailed comments on the solutions to the tasks. In this book the solutions have been placed right after a diagram with a test except for the six positions given as a warm-up in the beginning of the chapter one. For those of you who work without the assistance of a coach would recommend that you cover the answer with a sheet of paper to avoid spoiling the benefit of solving the problem. The tests tasks are intended for training: tactical vision calculation of variations strategic decision-making your assessment of a position The solutions have been given points ranging from 1 up to 7. After calculating their total amount, you can determine your approximate level by the author?s ranking scale. But do not forget that this ranking scale is subjective. After totaling your result, you should have an idea about what type of tasks are the most challenging for you. Th is will help you direct your time and eff orts on the areas where you need further improvement. Th e tests given in the first and the second chapters differ by the level of complexity. The tests in chapter one corresponds to an Elo rating of 1400-1900 while chapter two is aimed at players rated 1700-2100. When you solve the tests from Mamedyarov?s games try to reproduce the thought process of one of the most creative and bright grandmasters of today. Imagine yourself in his place during a game, look at the chessboard through his eyes and think about the positions together with Mamedyarov. 352 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Thinkers Publishing

30,95 €*
Lakdawala: The Unknown Fischer
It is not really in doubt that Bobby Fischer is one of the greatest (ifnot the greatest) chess players of all-time. His name is one that it isrecognized immediately by almost anyone with even a passing interest inchess. His numerous brilliant games are very well known and have beenseen in numerous anthologies.However, Fischer also played many games that have generally escapedpublic attention. These include early games before he was well known,simultaneous games, blitz games as well as many classical games thathave simply fallen under the radar. There is also a match of ten gamesplayed against Svetozar Gligoric in Sveti Stefan before his famous“re-match” with Boris Spassky.Prolific author Cyrus Lakdawala has tracked down many of thesegames. They provide fresh material for die hard Fischer fans and providenumerous examples of Fischer’s extraordinary chess talent. Thanks to hisremarkable ability to find clear cut plans and strategies in any position,Fischer somehow managed to make chess look easy. This is a veryinstructive anthology.   384 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag New In Chess

24,95 €*
Lakdawala: Fischer - move by move
Bobby Fischer is a legendary chess figure, and many consider him to be the greatest chess player of all time. Fischer was a child prodigy who later developed into a phenomenal force. During his peak years he dominated his nearest rivals in a manner that had previously never been seen. Fischer achieved his goal of becoming World Champion after beating Boris Spassky in their ‘Match of the Century’ in 1972, an epic contest which did more than anything else to popularize the game throughout the world.   In this book, former American Open Champion Cyrus Lakdawala studies his favourite Fischer games. Lakdawala examines Fischer’s renowned skills in attack, defence, counterattack, exploiting imbalances, dynamic elements, accumulating advantages and endgame play.   Move by Move provides an ideal platform to study chess. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to improve your chess skills and knowledge.   427 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Everyman

29,90 €*
Lakdawala: Carlsen - move by move
Despite his relatively young age, Magnus Carlsen has already secured his place in chess history as a legend of the game. In a short space of time his accomplishments have been extraordinary. In December 2012 he broke Garry Kasparovs record to become the highest-rated chess player of all time. He followed up this achievement in 2013 by defeating Vishy Anand to become World Chess Champion. Carlsens universal style, positional mastery and incredible mental strength add up to make him a formidable opponent. In this book, former American Open Champion Cyrus Lakdawala invites you to join him in a study of his favourite Carlsen games. Lakdawala examines Carlsens skills in attack and defence, exploiting imbalances, accumulating advantages and endgame play, and shows us how we can all improve by learning from Carlsens masterpieces.   Move by Move provides an ideal platform to study chess. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to improve your chess skills and knowledge. Learn from the games of a chess legend   mportant ideas absorbed by continued practice   Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study 430 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Everyman

27,50 €*
Lakdawala: Tal - move by move
Mikhail Tal is a true legend of chess. He was the World Champion and also holds the world record for the longest unbeaten run in competitive chess. Tal is widely regarded to be the greatest attacking player of all time. Nicknamed ‘the magician from Riga’, Tal was a creative genius who made it look as though absolutely anything was possible over the chessboard. He excelled in confusing his opponents in chaotic positions, and even the best defenders of his time were unable to withstand his blistering attacks. Tal’s many brilliant games have inspired generations of chess players who admire his play without ever being able to convincingly reproduce it. In this book, former American Open Champion Cyrus Lakdawala selects and examines his favourite Tal games, from the beginning to the end of his exceptional career. Lakdawala shows how we can all improve our chess by learning from Tal’s masterpieces. Cyrus Lakdawala examines his favourite games of the chess legend Mikhail Tal, a World Champion who is widely regarded to be the greatest attacking player of all time. Move by Move provides an ideal platform to study chess. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to improve your chess skills and knowledge. Learn from the games of a World Champion Important ideas absorbed by continued practice Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study   400 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Everyman

27,00 €*
Lakdawala: Nepomniachtchi - move by move
Ian Nepomniachtchi, challenger to Magnus Carlsen’s World Championship title in 2021, is an outstanding chess talent. “Nepo” as he is universally known is a fascinating player and this book assesses his career and analyses his original and creative style in great depth with numerous deeply annotated games.Nepo is one of the very few players in the world to hold (at least prior to the match) a plus score (four wins to one with six draws) against Carlsen in classical chess. Nepo and Carlsen are peers and first started playing each other in the Under-12 category of the World Youth Championship in 2002. In that event, Nepo edged out Carlsen on tie-break. At that time he out-rated Carlsen by 100 points and was generally considered to be the more promising of the two prodigies. Nepo is a fascinating player who loves open and irrational positions and excels when on the attack. Unsurprisingly, he cites Mikhail Tal as his all-time favorite player and says Tal is the player who has exerted the greatest influence on him. As with that great Latvian genius, Nepo thrives on anarchy and chaos and has frequently got the better of Carlsen in games with mind-boggling complications. He is also lethal when he has the initiative. Nepo has steadily climbed the world rankings and his finest achievement was his victory in the 2020/2021 Candidates’ tournament with 8½/14 points (+5-2=7) which gave him the right to challenge Carlsen for the world title. 430 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag Everyman

24,95 €*
Lakdawala: The Greatest Attacker in Chess - The Enigmatic Rashid Nezhmetdinov
Rashid Nezhmetdinov (1912-1974) played fearless attacking chess. With his dazzling style, the Soviet master already was a legend during his lifetime, but international fame largely eluded him. Only once did he get permission to show his exceptional talent in a tournament abroad.Five times Nezhmetdinov was chess champion of the Russian Federation. In the 1961 Soviet Championship, he won the ‘Best Game’ prize for a spectacular win against… Mikhail Tal who praised his opponent for his ‘amazing creativity.’ Other stars that ‘Nezh’ defeated in grand style included Spassky, Polugaevsky, Bronstein, and Geller.His games, full of tactical pyrotechnics, are his legacy and have reached an ever-growing audience.  Nezhmetdinov’s shocking strategic queen sacrifice, in 1962 against Chernikov, as shown on Agadmator’s YouTube channel, has become the best-watched chess video of all time with millions of views.In this book, Cyrus Lakdawala pays tribute to the genius of the enigmatic Nezhmetdinov, a Tatar who grew up as an orphan in the part of the Soviet Union that is now Kazakhstan. In more than one hundred impressive and instructive games and positions, Lakdawala shows how Nezhmetdinov fought for the initiative, how he bluffed and sacrificed, and how he kept his cool to out-calculate his opponents. Lakdawala’s lucid writing perfectly matches the power of ‘Nezh’s’ moves. This wonderful collection celebrates Nezhmetdinov as the Greatest Attacker in Chess. 288 Seiten, kartoniert, Verlag New In Chess

29,95 €*